
Newtown, Connecticut: Update

By SoundOffSister | December 17, 2012 |

We don’t know the author of this beautiful poem.  Hopefully, someone can tell us.  But it needs to be read by as many as possible.  So please read it, and pass it on.

Oh, the humanity

By SoundOffSister | December 15, 2012 |

Our hearts and our prayers go out to the residents of Newtown, Connecticut.

Senate democrats fight to postpone a key element of Obamacare

By SoundOffSister | December 13, 2012 |

This would be funny were it not so pathetic.

Obama: If al-Assad uses chemical weapons, there will be problems

By Steve McGough | December 13, 2012 |

No line in the sand. President Obama is changing his mind when it comes to clamping down on Bashar al-Assad in Syria. Concerning the use of chemical weapons, Obama first said “don’t move them” and now it’s “don’t use them.”

93% of Detroit 8th graders fail reading test

By Steve McGough | December 12, 2012 |

While many union teachers in Michigan called in sick yesterday to protest in Lansing, 100 miles east in Detroit, only 7 percent of 8th graders can read at grade level.

Right-to-work does not mean NO unions

By Steve McGough | December 12, 2012 |

You know how Democrats and liberals are always demanding choice? Sure, except when it comes to the choice an employee has to join – or not join – a union.

Video: Union thug protestors in Michigan show their collective HATE

By Steve McGough | December 11, 2012 |

This is out of control. There is no excuse for this type of violence. This IS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY, no doubt about it. Are you ashamed?

What will Costas say tonight?

By SoundOffSister | December 9, 2012 |

Last Sunday evening during halftime, NBC football analyst, Bob Costas, commented on the tragedy in Kansas City where a Chiefs’ football player killed his girlfriend and then killed himself with a firearm.  He used this tragedy to advocate gun control.  He left me with the impression that if we just banned guns in this country (or,…

RIP – Arnold Dean passed away yesterday morning

By Steve McGough | December 9, 2012 |

From Fox61 and the Hartford Courant. Arnold Dean, longtime host of WTIC’s “SportsTalk” radio program and an innovator in the world of the sports talk show, died Saturday morning at his home, a day after he had a pacemaker replaced, his family said. He was 82. Dean joined WTIC in 1965, and launched “Sports Talk”…

Illinois state senator has a carry permit – Tried to get on plane with gun

By Steve McGough | December 5, 2012 |

Of course, if you are a regular Joe or Jane in Illinois, you are completely forbidden from carrying a concealed weapon anywhere in the state. There does not even seem to be a process to apply for one … unless you’re a state senator who happens to be running for Jesse Jackson Jr’s (D-Ill.) vacant US House…