
More bad firearm advice from Joe Biden – Shoot through a door

By Steve McGough | February 28, 2013 |

Actually, this could be criminal. If someone told you it was perfectly acceptable to fire a round through a door at a target you had not identified, how do you think that would go over?

High school principal tells student to delete video exposing teacher theft

By Steve McGough | February 27, 2013 |

If this was a story about simple theft, it would not be a story. In Linden, Calif., sophomore Justine Betti video recorded a teacher stealing items from student backpacks, and after reporting the theft to Linden High School principal Richard Schmidig, Betti was told to delete the video evidence and the matter would be investigated.

Yet more Obamacare casualties

By SoundOffSister | February 22, 2013 |

Yesterday, Universal Studios, the Orlando theme park, announced that beginning January 1, 2014, when Obamacare takes full effect, it will no longer provide health insurance to its part-time employees.

Sequestration’s “armegedon”

By SoundOffSister | February 22, 2013 |

We’ve posted on the “parade of horribles” the President claims will occur if his sequestration idea isn’t reversed by Congress.  Let me add some more facts.

Government mandated drug testing … slippery slope in West Virginia

By Steve McGough | February 20, 2013 |

One of the problems I have with government-mandated testing for those receiving government assistance is simple. If that’s appropriate, where does it end? In West Virginia, a delegation is suggesting kids must pass a series of three drug tests before getting a drivers license. From CBS 13 in West Virginia, with my emphasis in bold.…

Colorado principal promotes tutoring program for “Students of Color”

By Steve McGough | February 14, 2013 |

Nothing to see here, it’s all a misunderstanding. Andre Pearson, the principal at Mission Viejo Elementary in Aurora, Colo. sent out a  letter promoting an after-school tutoring program open only to students of color. How do you think that went over?

Chicago gun crime – Illinois congressman looking to handgun ban

By Steve McGough | February 12, 2013 |

Incrementalism. If the Newtown shooter had murdered 20 young children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary using a handgun, would the gun-control politicians and talking heads be demanding a handgun ban? People keep telling me handguns will not be banned, but they are not only on the “secret” list, it’s openly being discussed.

What will the State of the Union address?

By SoundOffSister | February 9, 2013 |

In January, Pew Research conducted a telephone poll asking the public what their top priorities were.  Here are the results.

Brown University To Cover Student Sex Change Operations

By Dimsdale | February 9, 2013 |

What can I add to this?  It appears that the Fluke controversy has extrapolated to sheer insanity.  Tuition subsidized insanity. “The Brown Student Health Insurance Plan will cover 14 different sexual reassignment surgery procedures for students starting August, reports the Brown Daily Herald student newspaper.” reports the College Fix. “For female-to-male surgeries, the new coverage…

Another Obamacare tax

By SoundOffSister | February 7, 2013 |

We have posted about this before, but, a caller to Jim’s show on Thursday, prompts another look.