
One of Weiner’s Facebook girls speaks out

By Jim Vicevich | June 7, 2011 |

Risky! That’s how Meagan Broussard, a 26-year-old single mother from Texas described Anthony Weiner’s actions. I have mixed feelings on this one. She’s an adult, and she clearly incurred the flirtatious relationship between herself and the congressman. But as ABC reports even she understood the risks Anthony wiener was taking with his online relationship.

Palin rides with the “hogs” into DC … Matthews asks “Who are these guys?”

By Jim Vicevich | May 30, 2011 |

I know … Sarah Palin can’t win. Yet she still draws rock star crowds who see her as “one of them”. I still contend she scares the heck out of the establishment because she would likely make it her mission to clean up Washington, and that, my mobsters, is just what Americans want. Well yesterday…

DNC talking point champion walks off set during Fox News debate

By Steve McGough | May 27, 2011 |

Simon Rosenberg from NDN – a progressive think tank based out of Washington, D.C. – walked off the set of Fox News during a debate with conservative talk show host Ben Ferguson after being called out for spitting out Democrat talking points that are complete lies.

White House bans Boston Herald from covering Obama visit

By Steve McGough | May 19, 2011 |

This is not new, and it’s been happening since the White House announced Fox News would be banned from the press pool since they are not a real news outlet in Oct. 2009. Back then, the press pool stood up for Fox, but is the White House-approved media in Boston keeping their collective mouth’s shut…

Ezra Klein to geezers: you know maybe your votes shouldn’t count as much as the votes of young people

By Jim Vicevich | May 18, 2011 |

Someone has to tell me how this little punk ever got a job at the Washington Post? But then nothing the mainstream media does surprises me these days. It’s not just the absurdity that he’s using this proposal was a way to make a point, it’s that the point he’s trying to make is also…

NBC shills for Obama: Gingrich must be racist after mentioning food stamps

By Steve McGough | May 15, 2011 |

This is how the mainstream press treats Republicans now. They simply default to the racist charge. NBC news anchor David Gregory interviews Newt Gingrich, GOP candidate for president, and calls him a racist since he mentioned 47 million people are now on food stamps.

Twitter: Malloy to Unions … who’s your daddy?

By Jim Vicevich | May 13, 2011 |

If you are not following me on Twitter you are missing what is and will be a weekend long rant on Malloy budget deal. Here is what i have up so far: So when the mood hits me … I will tweet. Follow at or @jimvicevich.

My Desktop Today

By Jim Vicevich | May 13, 2011 |

As you know I run the show through the Mac Powerbook … everything from music to sound to web. Here’s a look at what I navigate on a daily basis

New media points out AP Obama approval poll sample total fiction

By Steve McGough | May 11, 2011 |

Unbelievable. How does the Associated Press improve the people’s impression of President Obama’s approval numbers overnight? Completely change the sample and under-estimate the number of Republicans by half.

Juan Williams on enhanced interrogation techniques – teeth and eyeballs

By Steve McGough | May 9, 2011 |

Does Fox News contributor Juan Williams really think we pull out people’s teeth and eyeballs? He’s got an issue with enhanced interrogation techniques for certain, but when reality is not nearly as bad as you think, do you just start making stuff up out of thin air?