The “IRS lost Lois Lerner’s emails” story

The “Friday-at-5” IRS letter released by the House Ways and Means Committee indicated many of Lois Lerner’s emails between Jan. 2009 and April 2011 were lost due to a computer glitch. Of course, the lost emails were the ones sent and received from the White House, DOJ, FEC and many Democrats. Isn’t that convenient…

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Illinois bank allows employees to carry at work

I have no issue with law-abiding citizens carrying a firearm to protect themselves and their family. I also think it’s ridiculous, “feel good” policy to draw imaginary lines – state borders, parking lots, parks, schools or at work – taking away that option from those who can legally carry everywhere else. That said…

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Obama: Student loan forgiveness after 20 years

Yesterday, I posted about President Obama’s congressional-bypass to change up the student loan rules. My post was specific to the adjusted minimum payment which was reduced from 15 percent to 10 percent of discretionary income¹. There was an additional gift provided by the president yesterday, and nobody knows how much it will cost.

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Justina Pelletier may be heading home soon – Video

I’m posting this today because I know Jim has discussed this topic on the big radio show in the past. I’m not too familiar with the case, but The Hartford Courant has an update story this morning, and I found a video of Justina supposedly shot last weekend, where she begs the Commonwealth of Massachusetts…

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Obama to bypass Congress again – new student loan rules

In 2010, Congress pass and President Obama signed the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act. Along with cutting off the private student loan market by removing subsidies, making loans pretty much the exclusive realm of the federal government, the legislation capped the repayments of new loans to 10 percent of the persons discretionary income. The previous cap…

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30 shot in Chicago over the weekend (so far)

This is terrible. As of 6 p.m. tonight, NBC in Chicago is reporting there have been 30 people shot over the weekend in the windy city. I’m not one to ask “how are those strict Chicago gun laws working for you” for the simple fact it is easy to move firearms from place to place.…

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