Articles posted by

Steve McGough

Chicago Considers 500 Homicides per Year Acceptable

By Steve McGough / July 16, 2008 /

Can Chicago residents defend themselves? You’re welcome to run and hide, move out of the city, or just hope you don’t become a victim, but the city has basically banned handgun ownership and does not allow concealed carry permits. The state is a bit more lenient, but there is no state preemption of local laws.

New Features Added to Conservative247 Site

By Steve McGough / July 16, 2008 /

As of today, you can print and/or e-mail articles that are posted on this site. These plug-ins for WordPress are courtesy of Lester Chan, who writes some pretty darn clean stuff. You can check out his site here. Also, we upgraded the site to WordPress version 2.6 last night.

Ask Obama – does evil exist?

By Steve McGough / July 16, 2008 /

When a conversation begins concerning terrorists, sit back and listen for a few moments. As smart conservatives, it’s hard to avoid jumping right into a discussion and taking a stand, but hold out if you can. What can be an effective first question? How about does evil exist? The answer from the group members will…

Tony Snow – A Full Life; Still Taken Too Soon

By Steve McGough / July 12, 2008 / Comments Off on Tony Snow – A Full Life; Still Taken Too Soon

I just read that Tony Snow died this morning. Very sad. Snow died after his second round with cancer. He was first diagnosed with colon cancer in 2005, was treated and got back to work. In 2007 he announced that the cancer had spread to his liver and he had a second battle to fight.…

Never Mind About Illegals Learning English – We Must Speak Spanish

By Steve McGough / July 10, 2008 /

Here’s the thing. I wish that I could speak a second language. I really do. I tried speaking Spanish in high school and college, and one of my roommates in Washington D.C. was from Panama. Nothing helped. I can’t get that part of my brain to work very well. Those who can speak a second…

Pray to Allah or Else

By Steve McGough / July 6, 2008 / Comments Off on Pray to Allah or Else

Great Britain may have some serious issues at hand. Within the guise of "understanding other religions" students in England are being made to wear Islamic clothing and pray to Allah – in school. This is dangerous and let me make this quite clear. Islamic fundamentalists want to convert you and your family and have you…

New York Times Dives Deep Into Teleprompter News

By Steve McGough / July 6, 2008 / Comments Off on New York Times Dives Deep Into Teleprompter News

Let’s talk about politicians and how the main stream media treats them for a moment or two. Obama has made some gaffes in front of big audiences and so has McCain. Obama is clearly very comfortable with a teleprompter and McCain is not. In general, Bush 42 is not comfortable in front of an audience…

Current Posting Schedule and Site Comments

By Steve McGough / July 3, 2008 / Comments Off on Current Posting Schedule and Site Comments

Nobody seems to be addicted to this blog anyway – but just to let you know, I’ll be on vacation through July 15. I’ll have limited access to the Internet – God forbid – and won’t be able to post or edit too much. I’ve turned on comments for the site so you do not…

Newspaper Columnist Deserves Treason Charge

By Steve McGough / July 3, 2008 /

I know one of the reasons why print newspapers are having a tough time with a business model built more than 200 years ago. Online news is dominating the industry and I – like many others – prefer to get my news online. It’s faster and I can tailor my viewing using RSS feeds and…

How to lower oil prices right now – Yes. We. Can.

By Steve McGough / July 2, 2008 / Comments Off on How to lower oil prices right now – Yes. We. Can.

Barack Obama does not have any answers. All that he and his Democrat followers can do is blame the increase in gas prices on Big Oil, the war in Iraq, and Republicans that refuse to “invest” in new technology so we can “get off” our addiction to oil. Of course, it doesn’t help that Dick…