Articles posted by

Steve McGough

To Boehner: It’s too late to just delay Obamacare for a year

By Steve McGough / November 27, 2013 /

Critics fought the federal health care legislation really hard. At some point, the clock can not be turned back. I’m not saying we can’t eventually get rid of this stupid law, it’s just that we can’t delay it – delay anything – and expect the issue to be resolved in 34 days. Not. Gonna. Happen.

Seattle Socialist council member – “Take over factories … shut down profit-making machine”

By Steve McGough / November 21, 2013 /

On Nov. 6, I told you how Prop 1 in SeaTac, Washington passed, requiring businesses to pay a minimum wage of $15 and provide paid sick leave. Now, a Seattle City council member – who ran as a Socialist – suggested “workers should take over the factories, and shut down Boeing’s profit-making machine.”

FEMA Grants – Another symptom of the disease

By Steve McGough / November 21, 2013 /

Although the city of Bristol, Conn. will need to use $85,000 of “its own money” towards the purchase of a new generator for the police department and courts complex, FEMA – the federal government – will provide them with a $255,000 grant to cover the rest of the purchase and installation.

Texas drivers forced into checkpoint, asked for blood, saliva and breath samples

By Steve McGough / November 21, 2013 /

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration wants your blood. They have been tasked to use federal funding to check on the use of alcohol and drug use by drivers on the road, and are working in 30 different cities to set up checkpoints with the help of local law enforcement.

“We’re all Obama people” – Will they illegally share private information with campaigns?

By Steve McGough / November 21, 2013 /

Next on James O’Keefe Exposes the Left. Christopher Tarango currently works for Enroll America, a “nonpartisan” 501(c)(3) organization who has an advertised single mission “to maximize the number of uninsured Americans who enroll in health coverage made available by the Affordable Care Act.” That group has access to personal information (name, address, phone and email) of thousands of…

Correction: Congress and their Obamacare health care choices

By Steve McGough / November 20, 2013 /

On Oct. 30, I made the assumption Congress – since they are on an employer-based plan – would not have to sign up on an Obamacare website because of the employer mandate delay. I was incorrect, they do have to sign up online for a plan now, but we now know why they are not…

Obama blames Republicans for Obamacare problems

By Steve McGough / November 20, 2013 /

Oh no you don’t Mr. President. Republicans had absolutely nothing to do with the ‘problems’ you’re having with the rollout of this monstrosity. He certainly has the habit of placing blame elsewhere does he not?

New York City will embrace the “heavy hand of government”

By Steve McGough / November 19, 2013 /

A statement like that is not optional. You can’t not accept it. You have to capitulate and embrace it when the new mayor of New York City claims he is not a free marketeer, rather he believes in the heavy hand of government. I’m not making this up.

Vegetable garden tyranny in Florida

By Steve McGough / November 19, 2013 /

A couple in Florida has had to dig up the garden they have had on their property for more than 17 years. The vegetable garden – until this past May – was perfectly legal and did not break any zoning regulations.

Were unemployment numbers faked prior to 2012 Obama election?

By Steve McGough / November 19, 2013 /

Jim is discussing this during the first hour of the big radio show. Here are the source reports from John Crudele at the New York Post with commentary.