Fun video explaining current cap and trade legislation

Along with the video embedded below, The Tax Foundation has created an online calendar where you can estimate how much the cap and trade legislation will cost your family. President Obama was quite clear, energy costs will neccessarily skyrocket. Everything will be more expensive. Food will be more expensive, gas will be more expensive, heating…

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Making the Affordable Health Care bill more affordable

Only the federal government, in general, and, Sen. Dodd (D. Ct.), in particular, could try to pull this one off with a straight face.  When Americans gasped at the cost of the “affordable” health care bill (some $1.6 trillion), the administration saw the chances of it passing drop precipitously.  So, Sen. Dodd, and democrats on the…

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Palin to step down as Alaska governor – video added

Breaking… Lots of speculation. First reports stated she would not run for re-election as Alaska governor. But now, reports state she will be stepping down at the end of the month and hand power over to Lt. Governor. Todd Palin says (paraphrasing) … she [Sarah] will be concentrating on doing the things for Alaska and…

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How much more time will Obama get?

The fact that it’s not just conservatives who are asking this question is not a good sign for the young President and my guess is his people know it. Steve did a great post yesterday on the unemployment numbers (9.5%) and the fact that the only sector that is creating jobs is the government sector.…

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Blame for the current unemployment rate

I’m not one to blame one person for the current unemployment rate. Many factors are involved and it’s just too complicated to blame it on one person or one administration. Bloggers and the media do like to place blame (it’s sexy) but I’m not sure displaying a graph comparing average rates during a president’s term…

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Obama staging a sign of trouble for health care?

I would say yes … but its really up for you to decide. First … this from the Washington  Examiner: With Congress away on recess, President Barack Obama is stepping up his sales pitch for health care reform, tapping online social media in a new end run around the traditional news filter. At a town…

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