Voter Fraud In Bridgeport? Video shows ballot bungling – Update: Ace of Spades links
Kudos to WFSB-TV. The video is pretty powerful and just adds to the “F Troop” quality of this election.
UPDATE: Welcome Ace readers. Thanks so much for the link Laura. You’re the best
Mayor Jason McCoy has obtained a video that was taken inside a polling place in Bridgeport and shows a poll watcher warning a poll worker not to mix unofficial ballots with official ballots. She ignores him and he is escorted away.
There are additional charges:
- Some voters were given more than one ballot
- Other voters were not checked off on the registration list
- Some voters were never asked for IDs
Watch. And after you do, ask yourself this? How much of this election was above reproach?
UPDATE: This state has big problems and as I said in this post, when honest voters see this kind of “Tom Foolery”, does this not qualify as voter intimidation and disenfranchisement? Will the Secretary of State and the current Attorney General Richard “Jobs” Blumenthal, begin an investigation?
Here are some links to Connecticut Voting Follies: There’s the early declaration of the Democrat as winner. Then there’s the WWE T-shirt fiasco.
![Bridgeport voter Bridgeport voter](
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My girlfriend who has never voted before in her life, voted on tuesday because she was so fed up with the crap she couldn't take it anymore. Now she feels her vote was wasted, her time was wasted, and the election was rigged and she has promised she will never vote again because "their going to pick the winners no matter what so why bother?" There better be an investigation, if not by Rambo then by a private citizen, someone has to stop them.
Ha, Jim…you're too funny…Bysie & Blumey investigating? That's RICH! However, an investigation should be demanded by all voters in this state. This, too, could happen in your backyard…Not just the big lefty city of Bridgeport.
Uh huh… Why am I not surprised?
Disgusting, shameful, embarrassing…if someone has to cheat to win it means that they didn't think they could win in the first place.
Florida?? We have become Minnesota, who basically found enough ballots in trunks of cars to turn Al Franken from a 1100 vote loser to a 300 vote winner and to the senate.
Ahhh the pathetic state we live in…
Does anyone know: Did our military (overseas) get their ballots on time from Susan? If not… many military personnel are overseas?
Is anyone sure we are in the United States? Did we slide off the map int a banana Repuplic. If we didn't slide someone surely drug us there. This is the lowest thing I have ever seen happening in our country. The big question is ..WHAT WILL BE DONE ABOUT IT?????
I am humbled. I used to think that MA was the worst (at least in the Northeast), but you guys have latched onto the whole Chicago style voting method like a gorilla on a banana!
Bysiewicz has been there for what, a decade? Does she actually work, or just spend her time aspiring to offices that she is clearly unqualified for (including Secretary of State)? Using the reverse 911 system to get B-port voters out? Bags of votes lying around? Inadequate votes? Holding votes (until they find out how many they need)?
I ask the magic question once again: how come this sort of chicanery only happens in towns, cities and states run by Democrats? (and coming to a country near you!) Whenever there is demonstrable voting fraud, it always benefits the Democrats.
When does it stop being a "coincidence"? When do the people of Connecticut say "stop the corruption?" Or better, when do they kick out the corrupt bums like Bysiewicz?
Well, the CT voters, the real ones anyway, have pretty much guaranteed that this will continue with the results of the last vote.
I call Bridgeport, CT, CHICAGO EAST, now this voting ballots scandel, and I do call it a SCANDEL, reminds me of Chicago machine politics.
Here's my suggestion: Count the ballots from Hartford, Bridgeport, and Torrington by hand. If the number of ballots does not add up to the number of people who signed in to vote, the ballots from any of the towns with that discrepancy should be discounted. Maybe then the people of those towns — and the unions with whom Malloy made his deals — will learn that the state of CT will not tolerate vote fraud. Just because we have a president from Chicago doesn't mean that we all have to sink to his level.
If there is a re-vote in Bridgeport does anyone really think that Foley can win ? The big question is why did the union brothers split their votes state wide. Blumenthal won by a very large margin why wasn't Malloy included? So much for the republicans to say that Malloy is in the unions pockets. This is all a bunch of —-
Ah, but they accommodated the "split" by fixing the vote. Now you have to explain why their was such a huge Malloy shift in New Haven, equalling or bettering that of their popular mayor…
It isn't so much that Malloy is in the union members (do not confuse with unions and union leaders) pockets, but rather that the unions are in the pockets of the CT Democrat party.
It isn't that your vote doesn't count, it is the fact that your vote may not be counted. Or neutralized by a dead person, or an illegal etc. It all depends on who is doing the counting, and in each case of fraud, the Democrats are the "responsible" party.
Remember that when they are crying about "every vote counting".
The fix was always in. My hope was that the honest, working people of CT would have just enough impact to overcome the machine. Forget Blumie – he is lost to his progressive shangri-la, and Sue-B, the Helen Keller of CT couldn't help if she wanted to because she is literally too cretinous, myopic and tin-eared. Do I seem bitter? Sorry.
rjan-so fun! I called it weeks ago-the dems would win in ct-and "voter fraud" screams would ensue!
I was right!
How this bungling by the incompetents in Bridgeport is being spun is entertainment beyond belief. 5400+ vote margin-if there was a mis-count of a coupla thousand-(not probable) Malloy would win.
My fave part tho is the repubs screaming yesterday about NOT counting the votes cast after 8pm!!
Today, those 8pm to 10pm votes not included in the count (there were less than 100)-disenfranchisement!!!
Oh, and now the SOTS is blamed for the new scanners-all a plot!
1. The upgrade was a fed mandate.
2. The lever machines were so old, they were constantly jamming-please ask your registrar.
I was getting totals 1 night from a polling place and was present when the back of 1 lever machine was read by 2 poll workers and the wrong numbers were read out -thankfully, it was caught by a poll watcher who ran over and sensed something awry with the numbers.
You can have any kind of voting machine you want, but there will be instances of human error with all when thee numbers are transcribed onto paper.
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I guess it’s all right for the Democrats to fix these elections because they’re saving us from the big corporations and the Republicans, if we understood why the Obama administration is floundering the way it is, then they wouldn’t have to cheat, because we would vote to keep this hope and change alive. Since the Democrats are the party of equality, and compassion, it means that when they cheat, they’re doing it because we don’t know what they know. If we knew what they knew then we’d understand that they have to protect us from ourselves, and the Republicans. So the end justifies the means. After Blumenthal completes the investigation of this charge of voter fraud, then we’re all going to realize that it’s just the Republicans causing trouble again anyway. Think about it, a Chicago politician gets elected president under the banner of hope and change. What did you expect?
Well, that explains the "held" votes and odd counts in places like New Haven and the bags of ballots that are "found" in B-port! Why aren't electronic ballots available the second the last ballot is cast? Where is the bungling when you have less than a third of the printed ballots you need?
If "disenfranchisement" is the argument for the extended voting times, why are you happy that they are not being counted? And for the record, extending the voting times is wrong, particularly when the call goes out (on the emergency reverse 911 system; more "bungling" of course) to bring in people that may not have intended to vote at all, is wrong. What next, "gee, I forgot to vote yesterday and my civil rights have been violated. Give me a vote today!"?
Oh wait! You blame a "federal mandate" for upgraded voting machines. Once again, it is clearly Bush's fault.
Maybe CT needs the UN to come in an monitor the voting process. Just don't get Jimmy Carter….
I think there should be a REAL investigation no a "kangaroo court" quick look with preconceived conclusions. Impanel a grand jury and compel anyone with their DNA on the voting mess to testify and see what shakes out.
People should be behind bars starting with the Bridgeport Registrars if there is any "intent to defraud".
The system has been so badly bastardized with motor voting and the overall devaluation of the vote that it has to be brought back to a special status in society.
Voting is an obligation that must be taken seriously.
Do you want people voting… making decisions that can't read or worse yet speak English?
It wasn't only Bridgeport. Where I vote, there were at least three extra ballots inside the voting booth. I brought it to the attention of the moderator and also notified CT GOP. Probably not a big deal, but after seeing this Bridgeport debacle, who knows?
Any one that reads this blog or listens to Jim could have predicted voter fraud in Bridgeport. It was only a matter of to what extent and would it be reported. The only reason we are even having this discussion is because the race was so close.
Ct. voters voted in their own self interest. The unions voted to maintain the status quo of pay and benefits far exeeding non-union employ, and the welfare state voted to squelch the need for personal responsibility.
The mayhem occured in Bridgeport because it is the center of the welfare state in Ct.
haha dims
1. you are saying bush's fed mandate should have been ignored-OK.
2. guess you do not know that peeps were waiting outside for 1 to 1 1/2 hours had to go home to feed kids, etc
let's undress ourselves, if reverse 911 was not used, you would be screaming "disenfranchised voters, they had NO way of knowing court order to keep polls open-do over"!
those votes after 8pm are being counted, were just not included in early am Bridgeport mayor's announcement-as he said, too small to make a difference but would be in certified count. (But hey don't let any facts get in the way of your posts).
I have no time. However, I was told by the State Election Enforcement (860) 256-2940 to please call Senator Dodd and Senator Lieberman to demand a total review of the last Election in the ENTIRE state. EE has been inundated with calls and so they believe it will have to be looked into by the Federal Government. Please if you care about Connecticut take the time to make 2 phone calls. Thanks
Hopefully WFSB reporter Dennis House will stay right on top of this and good will come out of this . Go get'em Mr. House!
Wouldn't this affect the Himes race for U.S. Congress as well?
He won by so few votes.
We need to demand a re-vote, there is enough evidence that warrants not just a recount, but total re-vote, with all areas of concern, to be closely monitored, each voter check against a list, all ID to be checked and all votes to be placed in the machine; to this end we shall truly understand the will of the people.
I am totally disgusted with those that act as if our rights being abused, is a joke; we have a supreme law and this law governs all Americans, not just conservatives, democrats need to understand it is their law too, abide by it.
Foley blew Maolloy out here in Torrington 59% to 39%(6613 to 4353) but then again we are a blue collar city. Bridgeport on the other hand is a huge beneficiary of government cheese so of course BP will do whatever they needed to do to keep that cheese coming in.
Dan Debicella should withdrawn his concession until this matter is resolved.
Oh and btw, Dims
Your "bag of ballots" found in the parling lot was a bag of absentee applications that both parties run around giving out to voters.
The bag at the polling station were votes that went thru the scnner and it was secured per both registrars in Bridgeport.
But again-don't research the facts, it's no fun!
Chris see video above
An embarrassment. Got my wife to vote for the first time and tells me "see I told you so… they are crooks" At least she gave me the green light to take my small business south. Wake up CT! My employees will like a warmer climate, low property taxes, affordable housing, etc…
Toml-read about the "bag of votes" here.…
Ha, ha yourself, chris. I will just answer you retorts with the fact that you apparently have no problem with any of this because your party did it. As Tom says, see the video above.
I note that you selectively ignore the issues I brought up other than the bag o' ballots. Address those facts. If the "peeps" outside were waiting that long, add that to the list of "bumbling" incompetence (read it: corruption) that the Democrats seem to have arranged. If you have to close the doors behind the people that were waiting, that is the acceptable answer, but putting out the "alarm" via reverse 911 is unacceptable. Except to Bysiewicz and you, apparently.
These are tried and true frauds that have been practiced for ages by pols, and seem to be the SOP for the Democrats. Another inconvenient fact.
And what about the prefilled "voter's guides" being handed out?
Can't we just have honest elections without all this crap?
chris: THIS bag of ballots ( or…?
Neither story says they were "absentee applications that both parties run around giving out to voters." Do you have a different source of information?
I don't understand how the same candidates can be listed on the ballot under two different parties. If someone votes for a candidate twice under two different parties, what happens? Are none counted? Is the ballot thrown out? If so, I'd like to see each towns report on how many ballots were disqualified for voting twice for the same candidate. In other words, the total number of ballots cast should equal the sum of votes counted for all candidates. If not, there's a major problem.
By the way, after looking at the vote totals I've noticed two things. First, according to the SOS tally, not all towns are included in the total, and it seems to me that the will of the residents from 5 or 6 populace towns have wiped out the will of everyone else who lives in the state. That to me seems to conflict with the tenants of a representative republic.
Uh oh, Dimsdale…chris-os is counting again. Notice how she never gets past "2"?
I'm wondering…why is Bysie having press conferences declaring the "unofficial" winner? Isn't her job to declare the OFFICIAL winner? And if there isn't one, shouldn't she shut her yap until there IS one?
I am convinced it was a ploy to get Foley to concede so they didn't have to "find" all those votes.
chris: I reviewed your link, and found NO reference to "a bag of absentee applications that both parties run around giving out to voters."
Here is the money line:
The Foley campaign properly objected to the counting of these ballots as there was no chain of custody for it. But that wouldn't stop Democrats (unless they were overseas ballots from our soldiers of course).
With a republican landslide across the nation, many here are wondering why CT voted fully Democrat. This state will continue this trend of Democrat dominated governance because of one reason: (echoing Chas above) conservatives, themselves, are fleeing this state along with their businesses leaving an ever-growing Democrat saturation.
So, my fellow conservatives, let's not waste another breath trying to right this ship. Like the Titanic, it is doomed. Consider packing your bags and let's get out. I, myself, am tired of pulling the cart. I am getting too old and too tired. Take away my vote and what other reason have I left to stay here? Higher taxes? Expanding state government? Increased state mandates? Oppressed business?
Let's go and leave this corrupt state, and let those libs pull the cart themselves for a change.
decade8: If someone voted for someone twice, like Blumie, on both party lines, the ballot was not thrown out, but the machine would only give Blumie one vote. (Or so they say…) If, on the other hand, someone voted for two (or more) different candidates for the same office, the machine would spit the ballot out and not take it. The ballot would be "spoiled" or voided and kept in a separate envelope. Then the voter could receive a new ballot, re-explained the guidelines, and allowed to try again.
Take a deep breath and think. Did you think Bridgeport would vote for Foley? Think, now
The estimate (pre-election) from internal polling was that Bridgeport would bring 26,000 votes for Malloy. They came close, it was almost 23,000.
But hey, don't let any logical thinking get in the way here-go ahead…
chris-os: how many democrats were predicted to win across this country of ours only to have their asses handed to them with "stunning" (read: shock & awe) losses? How is it the Republicans managed to take the House of Representatives? Predictions are just that: predictions. Bysie predicted that voter turnout would be no more than it was during the last election, and her prediction was obviously, staggeringly wrong in the case of Bridgeport and other CT cities/towns who ran out of ballots earlier in the day because of her erroneous prediction.
"But hey, don't let any logical thinking get in the way here-go ahead…"
If the tables were turned, and Foley were announced the "unofficial" winner every day since 11/3 with mishandling of ballots in Bridgeport or any other city/town, you would be all over this like white on rice.
Predictions were dems would win across the country-shock and awe-were you on safari and not able to follow the national news?
All predictions were reps would take the house and some said senate.
Bysiewicz predicted 65% turnout-last count was 65% to 66%.
Sorry 1st sentence meant predicted REPS would win across the country-guess I was shocked that you didn't follow the national news or listened to Jim.
So that is your excuse for the cheating and chicanery in Bridgeport? "Finding" bags of ballots, holding up counts etc.? Is B-port a person? Are they somehow different from the rest of the state where the stats evened out?
Or are Democrats simply incompetent? (even I don't believe that!)
I ask the question again: how come this only happens in towns, cities and states run by DEMOCRATS?
Is the answer to my question that obvious?
Bueller? Bueller? Bueller….
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It all looks so random and accidental, but there would be riots and hell to pay if Foley had won! I wonder when Frontline will investigate this corruption- ummmm, never!
Another good point, JollyRoger: who has the violent demonstrations and side with anarchists etc.? Do the Purple People Beaters (SEIU) ring a bell?
Shouldn't we be asking what George Jepsen, the AG elect thinks about this, and better, what he will do about it (since Rambo is off preening himself in preparation to be the next Dodd)?
From Jepsen's election website:
Let's see your stuff, George, or is this all just political lip service?
chris-os…the 65-66% count is probably due to the fact that not all ballots have been counted. Again, did you hear of other towns in CT that ran out of ballots mid-afternoon on Tuesday, 11/2? Bottom line is that Bysie's prediction for voter turnout fell short.
p.s. I apologize for misspeaking: The democrat party was predicting that losses would be minimal. That this GOP wasn't the GOP of 1994…And I did not specifically claim that any news organization or Jim claimed that they (dems) would win. Although, I'm sure if you go back to October you would certainly find some bitter clingers that felt they were safe…including some interviews with Dem party officials on Fox News.
Well this did it for me. Mr. Foley Conceding the election today was in my mind, spinless and he shows no Backbone at all . For the democrats to pull this kind of Corruption, just here on a " state Level ", really makes me wonder what they have in mind for the fall of 2012 on the national scale????? To think that I voted for this man, and the democrats jump out of the bushes and yell "BOO" and he decides to pack it in without a fight, makes me angry that I wasted a vote on someone that hide his crowardness so well, and the same can be said for Chris Healey, another coward. The Republicans have lost my vote for ever, here in this state, and on the national scene. I'm all done with the republican Party, all I can say it's all better we found out this now about Mr. Foley , then if he had made it to Washington D.C. What this really amopunted to was the Democrats "spitting in Tom Foley's Face", and him walking away and like a scared child , just walks away. What a Disgrace to the republican Voters of Conn. We deserve way better then this. As of today I'm no longer a Republican, and If I ever vote again in this state, it will be either Libertarian, or independent! Malloy and Blumie, are the New Boogie men in town ! Can't wait to see what Cabinet position he gives ole Suzzie B. , I'm sure she is going to be rewarded for her stellar work . Connecticut is the laughing stock of the world!
Oh Army Strong, You make me so sad! I just got home from CT Republicans, I worked most of the day Thurs and from 11:00 til 2:30 today, when Tom Foley conceded. I called Town Clerks and Registrars of Voters for their public records of Absentee Ballots and Voting tallies, lists of officials who worked election day etc. I can tell you I made notes of extensive violations of procedures and an inconsistency of procedures. Also there was another town where an official at the polls left (against rules) to get more ballots etc. However, my understanding was that Tom Foley had to prove there was malicious intent. That is extremely hard to do, if not impossible. Where does computers crashing, ignorant poll workers and laziness become proof of malicious intent? Please reconsider. We did our best and I am only a volunteer, not a legal expert.