Obama names health care “rationer in chief” Update

Today President Obama named Donald Berwick to the position of head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This is not good news for anyone who relies on either Medicare or Medicaid for their health care. Dr. Berwick, a Harvard medical school professor, was appointed by Obama to this post in April, but no Senate…

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Schwarzenegger and Bloomberg whack Obamacare

Trouble in paradise? Is this just the begnning of state and city blowback on the Nelson payoff. Hmmmm? Is it? The countries two best know Republican liberals are already pushing back against the Senate/ House/ Obama Health bill that they know will cost them plenty. Period.

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Why universal health care isn’t universal

A spot of cold water for those who seem to think that a simple wave of the wand (or, in this case, Presidential pen) can kiss the boo-boo and make it all better… Here’s something that has gotten lost in the drive to institute universal health insurance: Health insurance doesn’t automatically lead to health care.…

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Stimulus plan includes adding 1.2 million to Medicaid roles

Instead of dealing with nationalizing health care out in the open, the Obama stimulus plan takes the incremental – but significant step – to add more than one million Americans to the Medicaid roles if they are unemployed, or will soon be unemployed. This plan also includes millionaires who were laid off and not only…

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