Hillary Clinton, as the heiress apparent for the Democrat party, gave us a glimpse of our future under her “guidance”.
In 1993 when Hillarycare was being debated this is what she said about Americans actually deciding for themselves how to spend their health care dollars.
We just think people will be too focused on saving money and they won’t get the care for their children and themselves that they need . . .
The money has to go to the federal government because the federal government will spend that money better. [emphasis supplied]
Heck, doesn’t the federal government always spend our money better than we can?
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Wasn’t she the “heiress apparent” the last time too??? Add in the Benghazi Bungle.? So much for infallibility.
The Left Stream Media has been busy telling us how Hilly is going to be our next president, like we owe it to her. She would be the absolute worst person for this country with her history.
Her history, Hillary Care included, is the major obstacle that the democrats would have to overcome.
But, to her, what does it matter?
I used to cringe when I heard ” it takes a village to raise a child” because it said that a village could raise a child better than a family could. Ironically, a village is far less frightening than a federal government raising a child.
Yes. That is part of her history and it brings back bad memories.
We really need a leader for the nation who is not from the Jurassic Period or the democrat party, period.
Maybe we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves? Aren’t there some problems to solve before getting to fantasize about what Hillary may or may not do, if and when…..?
No! The word about M. Clinton’s past and her impact on the future, given her track record, has to be addressed now. The no/low information crowd needs to hear something about the woman besides the self-adulating, laudatory script that the LSM is feeding everyone every time her name comes up.The fawning sycophants in the media need to be countered.
Gee, Wally, what are the problems that we have to solve?
The “no/low information crowd” reads this blog? SOS is preaching to the choir, she’s jumping the gun.
The LIVs don’t read much of anything, except the notably misdirecting titles of newspaper articles and the covers of magazines.?
You can never “jump the gun” with the Clintons specifically, and lefties in general.? Have to offset those “five year plans” you know!
I say open the borders, let all the Mexicans in. As soon as they are here and elect Hillary……………….We all move to Mexico
What can I add except that picture makes my sister-in-law look good….
Oh-BummerCare explained:? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsW0l139JD0
What’s funny is that any sane person would feel ashamed to win the presidency simply by lying his arse off.?? Any sane person would be ashamed to pass a law via bribery and corruption.?? And any sane person would be ashamed to defend this boondoggle, as Barry does, by equating his success to all of the people who haven’t lost their coverage due to his affordable care act.
That kind of person is a democrat.
He will do anything, say anything, lie, cheat and throw anyone under the bus to get what he wants. A bigger federal government with more people dependent on its services.
He is a democrat. Oh, and the video made me sick.
The video made me sick too. Was this a press conference or a speech? What happened to the days when the press asked questions??
Thanks, I needed that.
Cruel and unusual punishment would have to be being forced to watch and listen to Barry drone on and on and on and on and on and . . .