
Nelson’s indefensible “pork” in Senate health care bill

By SoundOffSister | December 22, 2009 |

Senator Ben Nelson’s (D-Neb.) conduct in selling his vote on the health care legislation gives brand new meaning to the words despicable and contemptible.  And those senators who agreed to his demands behind closed doors, as well as any senators who vote for this are not too far behind.

Ben Nelson on constitutional law – Update (Video): Lindsey Graham Agrees

By SoundOffSister | December 19, 2009 |

Update (Jim)– Senator Lindsey Graham agrees with SOS. It’s a must watch below. While Senator Ben Nelson (D. Neb.) is basking in the glow of his hard fought victory to make changes to the Senate health care bill, let me throw a bit of cold water on the celebration. By now, you know that the…

And then, there is the tax you to pay for Nebraska

By SoundOffSister | December 19, 2009 |

So, how do we pay for Nebraska’s windfall? First, we tax tanning salons.  Yup, you read that right, tanning salons must now impose a 10 percent sales tax on any visit you make to one.  After all, the UV rays you receive at a tanning salon cause skin cancer, thus, a perfect target for increased taxes……

Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson sells out for cash

By Jim Vicevich | December 19, 2009 |

The most open and honest Congress evah, backed by a President who vowed an end to “business as usual”, showed once again its true colors today. I am not surprised but I am outraged. Just follow the money folks.

Obamacare…we’re going to save what?

By SoundOffSister | December 15, 2009 | Comments Off on Obamacare…we’re going to save what?

The Office of the Actuary for Medicare and Medicaid (OACT) has performed a detailed analysis of  the claim that Obamacare will reduce the percentage of Gross Domestic Product this country spends on medical care.  According to OACT (at page 12), by 2019, we will spend 21.1% of our GDP on health care under Obamacare, versus…

Feds say Obamacare will not lower health care spending

By SoundOffSister | December 10, 2009 |

I have written many posts about the fact that Obamacare will do nothing to lower health spending in this country as Obama claims it will.  But, I have received several comments from readers saying that I’ve only used studies from insurance companies in support of my posts. So, let’s use a government study.

Obamacare: not a CLASS act

By SoundOffSister | December 8, 2009 |

CLASS stands for Community Living Assistance and Support, and is a little known section of both the House and the Senate versions of Obamacare.  It establishes a federal “disability” insurance program. This program is “voluntary” and works like this.

Obamacare: the public option lite

By SoundOffSister | December 6, 2009 |

In the wake of opposition in the Senate to the public option, other than the “trigger” being proposed by Sen. Olympia Snowe (R. ME.), Sen. Tom Carper (D. De.) is floating another idea. Here is how this one goes.  The public option would be available initially only in states where insurance is deemed unaffordable.  As this amendment…

Senate considering trigger for health care public option

By SoundOffSister | December 4, 2009 |

With several Senator’s, most notably, Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) saying they will not vote for the Harry Reid (D-Nev.) version of Obamacare if it contains the public option, Democrats are now scrambling to come up with a compromise.

Mandates ensure higher health care costs – not corporate greed

By Steve McGough | December 4, 2009 |

Senators in Congress – lead by Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) – are demanding health insurance companies provide “free” services including screenings for breast, cervical, ovarian and lung cancer, heart disease and diabetes, as well as postpartum depression and domestic violence.