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Calling out WTIC’s John Rowland on a 30-round magazine ban

By Steve McGough / January 9, 2013 /

The title of this post may sound a bit harsh, but I don’t mean it to be. I’m trying to ensure this post gets noticed and might result in a written response from the former Connecticut governor concerning his opinion on 30-round, and other high-capacity magazines for rifles and pistols.

Powerline Prize winners: Squirrels explain the national debt and zombies, of course

By Jim Vicevich / August 3, 2011 /

For those of you who were listening last week you heard John Hinderaker from explain his blogs $100,000 competition for the best original media that portrays our national debt. John  got hundreds of submissions. Below the fold you will find the grand prize winner, including the 3rd prize winner, because well, I just love zombies,…

White House bans Boston Herald from covering Obama visit

By Steve McGough / May 19, 2011 /

This is not new, and it’s been happening since the White House announced Fox News would be banned from the press pool since they are not a real news outlet in Oct. 2009. Back then, the press pool stood up for Fox, but is the White House-approved media in Boston keeping their collective mouth’s shut…

Ezra Klein to geezers: you know maybe your votes shouldn’t count as much as the votes of young people

By Jim Vicevich / May 18, 2011 /

Someone has to tell me how this little punk ever got a job at the Washington Post? But then nothing the mainstream media does surprises me these days. It’s not just the absurdity that he’s using this proposal was a way to make a point, it’s that the point he’s trying to make is also…

PBS and ABC have racist bigots on the payroll – Tavis Smiley & Whoopie

By Steve McGough / April 28, 2011 /

My headline is “sensationalized” simply because I’m sick of progressives like Tavis Smiley and Whoopie Goldberg continually going to the same well over-and-over and branding conservatives and those associated with the TEA party as racist bigots. That’s all they have in their bag of tricks. PBS and ABC should immediately fire Smiley and Goldberg.

Radiovice All-Star Thursday: Mike Walsh, Glenn Reynolds, Andy McCarthy, Pat Caddell, Jack Cashill

By Jim Vicevich / April 13, 2011 /

Pinch me, I must be dreaming. I wish I could take credit for this but I can’t. This is all the doing of New York Post columnist Michael Walsh. It seems he has friends in high places. Just file this under the heading three hours of great radio that you will not want to miss.

Obama administration sells a tale: “We’re not adding to the debt”

By Steve McGough / February 17, 2011 /

Oh come on now. President Obama’s own budget clearly shows there will be a deficit for years to come. For the next couple of years, we’re talking about $1 trillion-plus each year. Somehow, the president and Jay Carney, the new White House spokesperson, wants you to believe those future deficits do not mean they are…

The Week in Stupid: Cable Pundits on the Giffords Shooting.

By Jim Vicevich / January 19, 2011 /

Thanks to Instapundit for pointing out this great piece of video from Reason TV. Grab the popcorn my little “mobstas” and settle around the computer screen for a permanent record of the non stop stupidity of the lefty pundits.

Cavuto to Chris Matthews: I’m pissed

By Jim Vicevich / December 14, 2010 /

Fat seems to be a theme in Washington these days and frankly, it’s starting to really tick off one Neil Cavuto. Now you know how much I love Neil. He rarely takes offense at anything said about himself, but often at simply ridiculous comments made by others. Well we have one of those moments my…

Senator Judd Gregg schools MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell on taxes

By Jim Vicevich / December 8, 2010 /

Much is being made of the cost of the Obama tax compromise. The left in particular is taking aim on extending the Bush tax rates for “millionaires and billionaires.” The lefty press is quick to point out what they perceive as hypocrisy on the part of Republicans. After all, extending the tax rates will “cost…