Articles posted by

Steve McGough

Did you hear? US, Colalition forces winning war in Iraq

By Steve McGough / July 27, 2008 / Comments Off on Did you hear? US, Colalition forces winning war in Iraq

You probably didn’t hear, at least that is what many non-main stream media outlets surmised today. You see, two Associated Press reporters that had the gall to write a story with the headline Analysis: US now winning Iraq war that seemed lost. Robert Burns’s and Robert H. Reid’s piece was released by the AP on…

Confirmed again – Schwarzenegger not a conservative

By Steve McGough / July 26, 2008 /

From either the conservatives-already-knew-this or Rush-told-you-so files; Arnold, the muscle-clad governor of California, confirmed once again that he is indeed, not a conservative. Nanny State Alert! Since California has now become the first state in the Union to ban trans fats, I’m wondering what is next. Since I have a friend that occasionally gets sick…

Your wallet – the only place Democrats want to drill

By Steve McGough / July 25, 2008 /

Great bumper sticker now available through the Tennessee Republican Party. It will be the second popular catch phrase coming from the increased cost of fuel and liberals refusing to drill anywhere, at anytime. Of course, they don’t ever seem to have a problem drilling into our wallets to redistribute wealth. First we’ve got the Drill…

Obama suggests international community buy off Iran

By Steve McGough / July 23, 2008 / Comments Off on Obama suggests international community buy off Iran

How else can you put it? When I first read the Reuters story, I thought that his position on Iran going nuclear sounded a lot like our current administration’s position on Iran going nuclear. During his visit to Israel, Obama spoke with a group of reporters and let them know – in no uncertain terms…

Hey McDermott – Congress does not have authority to fill gas tanks

By Steve McGough / July 23, 2008 /

Sticking with the you-need-government-to-take-care-of-you theme, Representative Jim McDermott, a congressman from Washington state, has brought fourth legislation to help the hard working people around the United States that are having a tough time paying for gasoline. That’s right, he wants the federal government to help fill gas tanks. What a tool. Congressman, do you have…

Obama – surge was a bad idea

By Steve McGough / July 22, 2008 /

Lots of discussion concerning Obama’s speech in Jordan this morning; many are just finding out that Barack is not as good speaking on the fly as compared to reading a teleprompter. But… I think it is important to note a just a couple of items of interest from his current rock tour. First, he thinks…

San Francisco mayor blames NRA for triple homicide

By Steve McGough / July 22, 2008 /

I’m questioning future visits to San Francisco until this idiot Gavin Newsom is out of office. He actually smiles as he says the NRA is against “anything that restricts the opportunity for a guy who gets cut off in traffic from pulling out a hand gun and almost assassinating an entire family, as was the…

Hartford to go for sanctuary city status

By Steve McGough / July 22, 2008 /

Aug. 5: Welcome to LGF readers. Let me know how you’re finding this article will ya? Update: Thanks for the link smokefire. Not to be outdone by New Haven, a sanctuary city that will issue a city ID no-questions-asked, Hartford, Connecticut is considering an ordinance that will prevent the Hartford Police Department’s law enforcement officers…

Questions Remain Unanswered About Dodd Mortgages

By Steve McGough / July 21, 2008 /

In yesterday’s Hartford Courant, Kevin Rennie reminds us that we still have not gotten any solid information concerning the mortgage deal that Chris Dodd – Democrat senator from Connecticut – got on his two refinances back in 2003. Rennie brings up questions from my original post on the subject June 17.

SCOTUS Must Hold D.C. Council in Contempt – Put them in JAIL

By Steve McGough / July 17, 2008 /

Man does this just make me mad. The recent SCOTUS decision confirmed that the Second Amendment was an individual right, but the Washington D.C. government still refuses to get with the program. This morning Dick Heller went to city hall or where ever to apply for his permit and it was automatically rejected. Heller’s pistol…