How smart is Øbama anyhow?

Maureen Dowd (MoDo) recently wrote an article titled “The few, the dumb, the proud” designed primarily to disparage current Republican front runner Rick Perry.  She also manages to take a few partisan swipes at the intelligence, or at least school records, of George W. Bush, Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann. Much of this may…

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Political “correctness” gone awry: coming to the U.S.?

Whither goest Great Britain, so goest the United States? Great Britain is increasingly becoming a small laboratory of extremist socialist engineering, a microcosm of where the liberal Democrats here want this country to go.  Think about it: welfare, single payer medicine, immigration, gun control, taxation and political correctness.  A Democrat’s utopia.  Now think about how…

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