Was immigration question on “papers” for Michelle Obama a plant?

During a visit to an elementary school, First Lady Michelle Obama was asked a serious question about “papers.” She was under the impression the president is taking everyone away who does not have their papers. Supposedly, this little girl’s mom does not have her papers.

Michelle Obama’s answer, the terminology used in the question by the 2nd grader, and the fact the first lady of Mexico was with the first lady is telling here. Sweetness & Light flat-out asks the question. Was it a plant?

From Tapper’s Political Punch blog…

The student shyly raised her hand and said, “My mom … she says that Barack Obama is taking everybody away that doesn’t have papers.”

Mrs. Obama replied:”Yeah, well that’s something that we have to work on, right? To make sure that people can be here with the right kind of papers, right? That’s exactly right.”

The girl then said quietly, “But my mom doesn’t have any …” and trailed off.

Mrs. Obama replied: “Well, we have to work on that. We have to fix that, and everybody’s got to work together in Congress to make sure that happens. That’s right.”

First, I don’t think the 2nd grader “trailed off.” She said her mom does not have any papers. Video courtesy FireDogLake.


Back to Sweetness & Light, who does not think it was a plant, rather some sort of coaching session occurred … which I would call a plant.

[W]e strongly suspect that this second-grader had been coached to ask the First Lady about Arizona. But ‘Arizona’ is quite a mouthful for such a young girl. Instead, she said ‘Obama’ — which sounds like ‘Arizona,’ sort of. In any case, ‘Obama’ is undoubtedly a word this child hears quite regularly.

And the real tip off is the way in which Michelle Obama answered the question. She didn’t correct the girl by saying in horror, “heavens no, my husband would never do anything like that!”

Instead, Mrs. Obama calmly answered the question as if it had been about those evil people in Arizona. Just as it had been originally planned.

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Steve McGough

Steve's a part-time conservative blogger. Steve grew up in Connecticut and has lived in Washington, D.C. and the Bahamas. He resides in Connecticut, where he’s comfortable six months of the year.


  1. Dimsdale on May 20, 2010 at 5:04 am

    I agree.  If there was a plant, it was by the Øbama camp, but as the "child in the balloon" hoax parents found out, children can be unpredictable.


    Too bad for Mama Øbama that she wasn't listening (likely rehearsing her scripted answer in her head) and just recited what she was told to say.  Anyone genuinely listening would have caught that.


    This just reaffirms my contention that only stupid crooks get caught, and that most pols are pretty stupid.

  2. Murphy on May 20, 2010 at 5:17 am

    Of course it's a plant. How can you tell? An Obama was scheduled to be in front people with cameras and microphones there.

  3. FigPucker on May 20, 2010 at 3:43 pm

    It's obviously a plant and the poor eight-year-old got nervous and messed her line up. If her mom is a true, dyed-in-the-wool, liberal illegal alien, she never on earth would have told her child that Barack Obamnesty wants to take away everybody that doesn't have papers.

    Besides, this is a school in D.C. They don't have any illegal immigrant laws like we do in AZ in D.C, VA, or MD. Why would her mom be concerned about a law in a state 1900 miles away?


    Because she was told to be concerned by the lamestream media, and the White House staff told her and her daughter what to ask because the Mexican first lady was there and it will make Michelle look like she actually cares about something.


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