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Oprah’s comments on racism – It got worse

By Steve McGough / November 17, 2013 /

On Friday I pointed out Oprah Winfrey continues to spout the “conservatives don’t like President Obama because he is black” mantra. Certainly there are some people that are like that, but I am offended because instead of responding to our actual policy disagreements, she has this habit of pulling the race card. Her comments got…

Maybe the Wisconsin public sector unions should send a letter to Oprah

By Steve McGough / April 11, 2011 /

Remember the letters Wisconsin teacher, law enforcement and firefighter union leaders sent out to privately held businesses demanding they publicly oppose the efforts of Gov. Scott Walker and Republican legislators during the state’s budget battle? It’s time they turn their attention to Oprah Winfrey.

Beck didn’t need to offer free rides and hotel rooms

By Steve McGough / October 15, 2010 /

Just saying… I’m not exactly a fan of Beck and quite honestly I don’t listen to his radio show or watch him on TV, that said … what’s the deal with the rich folk offering free rides to people who want to travel to Jon Stewart’s Restore Sanity rally?

Typical – Oprah says many Americans disrespect Obama because he is black

By Steve McGough / November 15, 2013 /

Oprah can just go away now. She’s a race baiting hustler like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. A total disgrace to all Americans I tell ya.