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More demands by Democrats for a higher minimum wage (yawn…)

By Steve McGough / July 30, 2012 /

Hey, it’s an election year … why not. Late last week 100 House Democrats all got together and introduced legislation to increase the minimum wage. We’ve documented the ridiculousness of increasing the minimum wage here at RVO for years, so we’re just going to point out the obvious.

Today’s minimum wage discussion on Vicevich’s show

By Steve McGough / February 1, 2012 /

Since the minimum wage discussion is coming up on the big radio show this morning during the first half hour, I thought it would be appropriate to refer back to a few previous posts.

The economics of the minimum wage

By Steve McGough / March 8, 2010 / Comments Off on The economics of the minimum wage

I’ve written frequently about decisions that must be made when costs increase for owners and managers of business. Increased costs include mandated government minimum wages, and Ball State University recently published a policy brief on who lost the jobs when the minimum wage increased.

Confirmed? Raising minimum wage increases unemployment

By Steve McGough / August 2, 2008 /

Here’s another great new learning opportunity for readers. If you owned a small business that employed 10 teenagers, how important is the payroll line in your budget? A majority of teens make minimum wage while they scoop ice cream, mow lawns and work at fast food joints. Many of these employees are paid more than…

Raising the minimum wage making things worse

By Steve McGough / December 15, 2008 /

Back in August, I wrote about how raising the minimum wage can increase unemployment since government mandated wage increases puts a strain on small businesses, increases prices and deflates buying power. Today, Morrissey over at Hot Air brings us news of a new book written by a professor of economics and an associate director of…