New website layout for Radio Vice Online
I’m not sure how long we’ve had the current website theme in place, but it’s been a long time. Even though I have not been writing for quite some time, we needed to make a change.
The previous website was not “mobile” friendly and did not have an adaptive/responsive theme. This meant when you viewed the website on your smart phone, tablet or other mobile device you had to scroll left and right to see the content in many places, and/or zoom in on the text to read a post. That problem is now solved with the new website design.
The Google search engine started penalizing websites that were not adaptive/responsive back in April, so this also was a consideration.
The design is pretty minimalist and is void of any Google ad placements for now. I’ll probably return to posting the unobtrusive advertisements with the hope of collecting a few dollars each month in the future, and eventually I may end up spicing it up a bit. For now, the priority was a quick update ensuring the regular features remain.
We’ve improved the search engine (start typing in the box and you’ll see what I mean), enhanced the Newswire, and cleaned up the news items as they are listed on a category page. Click here to see what I mean.
In the future, I’d like to have the time to – first and foremost – write more, but I’d also like to change the comments system, make some other visual tweaks and make the font more easy to read (bigger/different). That may come in time. We’ll see.

The website's content and articles were migrated to a new framework in October 2023. You may see [shortcodes in brackets] that do not make any sense. Please ignore that stuff. We may fix it at some point, but we do not have the time now.
You'll also note comments migrated over may have misplaced question marks and missing spaces. All comments were migrated, but trackbacks may not show.
The site is not broken.
I like it
change is hard..don’t transform America please..
Can you teach an old dog new tricks? I guess i’ll find out soon enough.
Of course Bethie is for Sanders.
Back again. That $141M figure doesn’t include all of the money they ‘earned’ that was passed along to the Clinton Family Slush Fund.