For liberals, Separation of Church and State is a one-way street

While President Obama and the liberal statists mandate the Catholic church, Catholic institutions and Catholic employers contribute premium cash for government-sponsored and privately-sponsored health insurance policies that cover birth control and abortifacients, they absolutely freak out if tax dollars are directed to pay for a child’s Catholic education.

Funds flowing from the church to the state or insurance companies by mandate? Perfectly fine.

Funds flowing from the state to the church for a child’s education? Hell no.

Here is my previous post on the same subject.

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Steve McGough

Steve's a part-time conservative blogger. Steve grew up in Connecticut and has lived in Washington, D.C. and the Bahamas. He resides in Connecticut, where he’s comfortable six months of the year.


  1. Murphy on March 8, 2012 at 12:02 pm

    If the children don’t receive the proper state oriented programs (programming), it would be? a terrible justice.

    • antiviceisavich on March 13, 2012 at 7:55 am

      I think instilling theological doctrines does more harm than good. Observe the crazies today out and about attempting for force their gods will on us all.

    • Steve M on March 13, 2012 at 9:11 am

      But you’re totally fine with the government forcing their will on Catholics. Gotcha.

    • Dimsdale on March 14, 2012 at 11:03 am

      “Instilling theological doctrines” is quite different from protecting them a la the First Amendment.

  2. Dimsdale on March 8, 2012 at 3:43 pm

    “…they absolutely freak out if tax dollars are directed to pay for a child?s Catholic education.”
    Correction: they absolutely freak out if tax dollars are directed to pay for a child?s Catholic education, even while taking the tax money to fund a child in a school they do not attend.? The parents pay for the child’s education TWICE.? But that’s okay, apparently.

    • Steve M on March 8, 2012 at 4:43 pm

      Correct. I noted this before. Their reasoning is they are not stopping families from using their own money to send their kids to Catholic schools. OK… and Catholics are not stopping families from going out and using their own money to buy contraception. Hypocrites.

    • crystal4 on March 9, 2012 at 6:57 am

      And people who are childless pay for all schools they don’t use…and people who take care of themselves pay hefty insurance premiums for others who don’t take care of themselves. time to stop whining and move to an island where you can just take care of yourself.

    • antiviceisavich on March 13, 2012 at 8:00 am

      I have been paying my local property taxes for 38 years with no children. It does not bother me to have public schools finded by taxpayers. Knowledge is power and denying education creates more harm than good. I have lived long enough to realize certain percentage of the population needs assistance because of lack of opportunities to education.

    • Steve M on March 13, 2012 at 9:15 am

      Yeah right… somehow I missed where I suggested denying education to anyone. And thanks for ignoring the actual subject of the post. You too, think the “separation” is a one-way street.

    • antiviceisavich on March 15, 2012 at 3:09 pm


      You are a sensitive individual. I never suggested you were in favor of denying education. I only stated I was against it. I think the separation of church and state has many lanes of travel. Main lanes are protection of and protection from. You can practice what faith you want and not be forced to practice any other not of your choice.?

    • Steve M on March 15, 2012 at 3:27 pm

      And you continue to ignore the actual post itself. Your statement “Knowledge is power and denying education creates more harm than good” is a perfect example of a straw-man argument simply because nobody – not the GOP, or any candidate or any conservative for that matter – has suggested we deny anyone an education. But you’ll still spit out that garbage, simply because you like to drop stupidity into threads.

    • Steve M on March 15, 2012 at 3:30 pm

      And by the way, I have no issue with local communities or even states having a public education system. I want the federal government completely out of it since their involvement is unconstitutional. Hell, if a state wants socialized medicine, they could try that for all I care, the feds can’t be involved at all though.

    • Dimsdale on March 9, 2012 at 8:13 am

      But surely a good liberal such as yourself abides by the creed of “if you think education is expensive, try ignorance”, no?
      We just object to paying twice.

  3. Truthseeker on March 8, 2012 at 4:24 pm

    Here is how something similar played out in Illinois.
    The Sate recently passed a gay non-discrimination law of some kind. ?When Catholic adoption agencies were told they must offer gay couples adoption services, the Church objected saying such adoption was contrary to their faith. ?So the State jerked the Church’s funding. ?So much for the welfare of children needing a loving home.
    It seems there is a lot of government funds going to faith based organizations, but there are many, many strings attached. ?By the way, I believe the conservative approach should be “No taxpayer money to any Church or Religion owned/controlled institution or business….period!” ? If ?they do get any money, they should be taxed like the rest of us.

  4. sammy22 on March 8, 2012 at 6:21 pm

    I believe that no religious schools are getting “education tax dollars”.? Catholic schools are not singled out, or are Catholics being unfairly “victimized”?

    • Dimsdale on March 9, 2012 at 8:14 am

      Absolutely true (as far as I know).? Speaking for myself, I only commented on the situation I am familiar with.
      Your argument just supports ours.? Thanks!

  5. WagTheDog on March 9, 2012 at 9:11 am

    Two things come to mind – the 1st Amendment.? “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;…”? In other words, get the government out of my pulpit!? It boggles my mind why this is so complected.
    Second, I remember a few years back there was a little dust up with the Amish in Pennsylvania.? The state DOT wanted the Amish to put orange slow moving vehicles on their buggies.? The Amish said it was against their religion to draw attention to themselves, which by design is what the triangles do.? The state won that.? Was this a violation of prohibiting the free practice of a religion?? May be, but it was necessary for public safety.

    The difference here is what is being mandated with providing contraception is there is no public safety issue and the government is being a bully.

  6. JBS on March 9, 2012 at 4:42 pm

    Hmmm . . . Funds, our tax dollars, are taken from the people and are distributed by the government. I have always had a difficult time reconciling tax dollars flowing to any religious organization for any purpose.?
    Not being a Constitutional scholar, I hesitate to state that the Constitution defines education as a right. It is a law. While certainly necessary — ignorance is very costly in so many ways — education is expensive and not appreciated by many. Plus, education is burdened with social teaching past the Three Rs. The cost, of which, keeps escalating yearly.
    I can be convinced of education ’til secondary school, the eighth grade or until age 14 should be compulsory as it is now to age 16, regardless of grade attainment.
    But, any money to any religious institution, for any purpose, I am against emphatically. Contraception is a personal matter that should be undertaken by the individual

  7. teeoff55 on March 12, 2012 at 11:12 am

    Regarding this fight over contraception that our statist government and the liberal slanting media have thrust upon us, I have only this to say?
    How dare you!
    There was no fight between Christians and anyone else?s belief on whether they should or should not use contraception until the fantastically flawed Obama Care plan began to be unveiled.
    When Obama Care was ready for a vote, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi assured us all that they simply needed to pass it so we could see what was in it?and we?d all fall in line when we finally understood their brilliance and drank their Progressive Kool-Aid.
    If you recall, when President Obama made his State of the Union Address several years ago, he promised that no federal tax dollars would go towards abortion.? A republican congressman bellowed from the chamber ?You Lie!?.? He was reviled by then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and her minions for such disrespect to the President of theUnited Stateson such an auspicious occasion.

  8. teeoff55 on March 12, 2012 at 11:14 am

    It is now three years later.? And Madam Former Speaker I would like to let you in on a little secret?
    You passed it, we read it and the majority ofAmerica, Catholic or not, most defiantly disagrees with it!
    Your bill is rife with statements regarding rules and regulations set forth by the bill that shall be at the ?Secretary?s discretion?.? That Secretary is Kathleen Sebelius who, while sitting before a Congressional Committee just this past week, tried to explain away the cost of providing free contraception as being paid for by the lower cost of providing health care to the children who would not be born.
    Um, Hello?
    What?s your next step Madam Secretary?? Perhaps that the costs of health care for the middle aged will be paid for by the rationing of health care for the elderly.
    As I previously stated, there was no public argument against contraception.? There was however a very vocal argument against abortion…

  9. teeoff55 on March 12, 2012 at 11:15 am

    Make no mistake; the President and his liberal-progressive regime have temporarily hidden their initiative for tax-payer funded abortion under their cloak of women?s rights.? They realize that the abortion issue is a no-win issue?at least for today.
    They have chosen instead to stem the tide of revolt against their liberal health care agenda by setting the focus on contraception and the unfairness of Catholics and Republicans alike.? They backed the church against a wall and the American people called foul.
    The government proposed a ridiculous comprise whereby the insurance companies would offer it for free, yet it still must be provided for in the insurance granted by Catholic institutions.? In other words, a kind of ?wink-wink? to the Catholic Church that you?re not ?really paying for it but its still being provided?.
    Yes, today many Christian women use birth control.
    But the Church?s outcry was not to deny this fact.? Rather, the outcry from the church and its followers along…

  10. teeoff55 on March 12, 2012 at 11:17 am

    But the Church?s outcry was not to deny this fact.? Rather, the outcry from the church and its followers along with Jews, Muslims and yes even atheists, was that our Constitution guarantees freedom of religion.
    If you read our constitution you realize that this wonderful document was written in order to limit the power of government over the people, their religion and their day to day lives.
    However, this President and his regime regard our Constitution as an impediment to their ability to achieve their dream of a state led utopia where the government knows best.
    I urge our priest, bishops and cardinals to continue this protest.? Perhaps more importantly, I urge not only the congregations in churches, temples and mosques but also anyone who congregates under the flag and the constitution that represent the United States of America to stand firm and deny this affront on us all.
    This is a very slippery slope they wish to place us upon and the bottom of that slope culminates in a…

  11. teeoff55 on March 12, 2012 at 11:18 am

    This is a very slippery slope they wish to place us upon and the bottom of that slope culminates in a very dangerous and much to be reviled entity.? It is a lawless and morally abhorrent regime that erodes our constitutionally guaranteed rights and puts us at the mercy of an all powerful government, exactly what the Constitution of theUnited Stateswas designed to protect us from.
    Heed well the words of Thomas Jefferson, the man who penned our Declaration of Independence:
    ?A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.?
    Stand up and be heard Christians and citizens alike, before it?s too late.?

  12. Lynn on March 12, 2012 at 3:02 pm

    WOW, YOU are teed off!!!! I love it. I’m so glad you ignored rules and wrote your entire post. You are correct (I mean right) on everything you have written. Thanks, keep your passion and demand that our govt.should do the wishes of the PEOPLE and not follow their agenda. Priceless!


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