
The Bailout Bust

By Jim Vicevich | December 12, 2008 |

  This is now officially insane, but you just knew is was coming. Touched on this in the show. Last night Neil Cavuto interviewed Professional Home Buyer Jeremy Brandt who said his business is booming because homeowners WHO CAN PAY, are not paying their mortgages, hoping to cash in on the very generous government program…

AP story notes Republican involvement in GSE mess

By Steve McGough | December 7, 2008 | Comments Off on AP story notes Republican involvement in GSE mess

I’m fully on board with blaming Democrat lawmakers in Washington for contributing to the mortgage crisis that started with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Republicans introduced legislation that would more closely regulate the government sponsored entities (GSEs). Democrats – including Barney Frank (D-Mass.) – blocked that legislation, all but calling those asking for the changes…

How does a 4.5% mortgage sound to you?

By Steve McGough | December 4, 2008 | Comments Off on How does a 4.5% mortgage sound to you?

As I walked through the living room just now, I heard talk of a 4.5 percent fixed rate mortgage on Fox News. Financial industry lobbyists are knocking on Hank Paulson’s door at the Treasury Department with a plan in hand to lower interest rates to help “stabilize” the housing market. Will everyone be able to…

Does our government trade with Japan?

By Steve McGough | November 26, 2008 | Comments Off on Does our government trade with Japan?

The short and correct answer is no, and our government does not trade with any other country either. Walter Williams offers us a timely lesson today since Congress, talk radio and the nation is discussing the proposed bailout of the nations big three automakers. I’m not sure if GM, Ford and Chrysler really make up…

Small banks wondering what they did wrong

By Steve McGough | November 25, 2008 | Comments Off on Small banks wondering what they did wrong

Citibank is a big bank, one of those companies that are just too big to fail. When the government steps in to help a single bank – like Citibank – with an infusion of $20 billion in cash and more than $300 billion in loan guarantees, you’ve got to wonder how Citi’s competitors feel about…

Redistribution – evil concealed by money

By Steve McGough | November 19, 2008 |

Another great Walter Williams column today. I enjoy reading Prof. Williams since he does something similar to what I try to do here at Conservative247. He just does it so much better. So, can an evil act be “transformed” into something that seems much more legit? Onward to your next lesson – using great analogies…

Everyone lines up for a bailout

By Steve McGough | November 17, 2008 |

The day the $750 billion dollar federal bailout figure was mentioned, every single Fortune 100 company, state and city chief financial officer started planning. Not only would this level of federal involvement in these institutions be unprecedented, it would actually dramatically change the way everyone did business. Let’s say you owned a small ice cream…

Are families and individuals moving into higher income brackets?

By Steve McGough | November 6, 2008 |

In my post from Nov. 1, A close look at the federal tax burden of corporations and individuals, I provide details about the large increase in federal income and corporate tax revenue after the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. The piece also displays how the federal tax burden moved from corporations, to individuals and back…

Senator, You Are Scaring Me

By Jim Vicevich | November 3, 2008 |

This is a classic interview and you need to watch the whole four minutes. Please! Senator Robert Menendez spouting the Obama claim that his tax rates will be lower than under Ronald Reagan which is patently false. The Reagan administration cut taxes from a top rate of 70% to 28%. Cavuto calls Menendez on this and what…

Updated: Questions to ask Obama and Biden

By Steve McGough | October 28, 2008 |

I’ll keep adding more economics questions to the list as I have time. But will someone ask Obama and Biden at least one of these?