Democrat on the ropes discovers Reagan’s rules

I am late getting this up but it is oh so instructive. It also shows that while all Democrats may not understand … at least one says he does. I just couldn’t decide whether to make this an economics or political post. Hope I got it right.

From Friday’s morning Joe, NY Governor David Patterson tells Mika, first no soda tax (which he had proposed earlier) and no millionaire’s tax either. “What we’ve found is that they just aren’t millionaires anymore, or they have left the state.”

Has he found religion? Hmmmm. It is disturbing that he says “at this time”, when it comes to raising taxes. Watch the whole;e thing. As I said instructive.


So when Democrats find themselves caught in a budget whirlpool, plunging poll numbers, and a rising tide of fiscal conservatism, they turn to what again? Just askin’, is all.

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Jim Vicevich

Jim is a veteran broadcaster and conservative/libertarian blogger with more than 25 years experience in TV and radio. Jim's was the long-term host of The Jim Vicevich Show on WTIC 1080 in Hartford from 2004 through 2019. Prior to radio, Jim worked as a business and financial reporter for NBC30 - the NBC owned TV station in Hartford - and as business editor at WFSB-TV in Hartford for 14 years while earning six Emmy nominations and three Telly Awards.


  1. Dimsdale on November 8, 2009 at 6:35 pm

    Hmmmm.   Why is it that the guy that is legally blind is the only one that can see the truth?

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