CNN to DNC: Hey, we need questions for GOP candidate interviews
I don’t think my headline is stretching it all that much at all. Especially since the DNC’s Donna Brazile was fired by CNN for getting caught forwarding debate questions to the Hillary Clinton campaign.
On April 28, 2016, Lauren Dillon, the research director for the DNC, sent an email out to colleagues.
Subject: Cruz on CNN
CNN is looking for questions.
Please send some topical/interesting ones.
Maybe a couple on Fiorina.
Someone please take point and send them all together by 3pm.
Thank you!
So it’s clear someone from CNN contacted Dillon looking for questions to ask GOP candidates. I guess CNN staff do not have enough time or talent to do their own research and come up with questions. Does this prove collusion between the media and the DNC? Well how about another email sent by Dillon?
On April 25, 2016, Dillon sent another email out to DNC staff reminding them of her request the previous day.
Kelly please take lead.
Folks, send your questions and any necessary backup to Kelly.
On Apr 24, 2016, at 10:24 PM, Dillon, Lauren <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:
Wolf Blitzer is interviewing Trump on Tues ahead of his foreign policy address on Wed.
Please send me thoughts by 10:30 AM tomorrow.
When Dillon asks people to send her “thoughts,” she’s using her role as the DNC researcher-in-chief (leader of opposition research) to collect questions for Blitzer at CNN to use during his interview. Again, Blitzer can not seem to come up with his own questions, so he goes to the DNC for help.
But there is more. This one week in April was pretty busy for the opposition research team at the DNC. Eric Walker, the deputy communications director at the DNC, had a research request for his staff. Lauren Dillon was also looped in. On April 21, 2016, Walker sent to the following email.
Milbank doing a Passover-themed 10 plagues of Trump.
Off top of my head, I’m thinking:
- Punish women
- Mexicans as rapists
- Ban Muslims
- Shoot someone in middle of 5th ave
- Rough up BLM protestor
- Anchor baby
- Do a lot worse than waterboarding
- Blood coming out of her wherever
- Spill beans on ted’s wife
- Talked about penis on stage at debate
Any other big things I’m missing? And can you pull bullets for these?
Thank you!!
The “Milbank” Walker is referring to is Dana Milbank, and opinion writer for The Washington Post. Less than 24 hours after Walker’s email, Milbank’s article is posted at the Post’s website… The Ten Plagues of Trump.
I would never suggest there is no collusion between the GOP and conservative journalists and opinion writers. In my opinion, this is why we need an extreme shake-up to the governing elite in this country. The establishment political class are all buddy-buddy with the Fourth Estate – The Press – who should be more involved with investigative journalism, coming up with their own damn questions, and reporting truth instead of trying to “make news.”
You’ll note we’re not seeing the original requests from CNN or The Post to the DNC. Back channels. You have the “work” email and then you have the somewhat cryptic free email accounts used by everyone in this great swamp. The stuff nobody wants to reveal is hidden in GMail and Yahoo account discussions. We’ve seen that proven thousands of times in the Podesta GMail leaks.

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some thing we all knew??now it’s on paper to show our lib friends [who do not care]