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Fourth-grader suspended for packing broken pencil sharpener

By Steve McGough / September 11, 2008 /

More zero tolerance crap from a small-town grammar school. In short, the kid’s pencil sharpener broke and since he needed to sharpen his pencil, he sharpened his pencil. The result: a 10-year-old gets up to two days suspension for using the sharp “razor-like” piece of the broken sharpener to – get this – sharpen his…

Republican platform released – reaches #98,642 on Amazon

By Steve McGough / September 2, 2008 / Comments Off on Republican platform released – reaches #98,642 on Amazon

For those unfamiliar with national political conventions, it’s not all about speeches and parties. Well, alright… for most of the attendees it really is all about speeches, parties and the ability to wear goofy hats on national TV. One of the agenda items is to write and vote on the party platform. But who will…

Improve Self Esteem – Cancel Competition for Kids

By Steve McGough / July 1, 2008 /

Again from the “this-make-absolutely-no-sense” file. The mayor of Beechwood, Ohio has elected to cancel the Little League All-Star game to avoid hurting the self esteem of the kids who are not selected for the team. He’s not kidding. First, we stopped keeping score because we did not want the losers to feel bad. Now, we…

The Obama Change Machine

By Steve McGough / May 13, 2008 /

I have not had much time to post lately, but my new portal at work has been down for the last 30 minutes so I headed over to American Thinker and found this post concerning Obama’s changing opinions during the past 30 days. [Update: Malkin is letting us know that the House Republicans are jumping…

Zero Tolerance at School – No Religious Art Permitted

By Steve McGough / April 1, 2008 /

I read an article earlier today on concerning a high school student who received a failing grade on an art project because it included a Bible reference. For the project, students were asked to draw a landscape. It looks like all of the pieces were charcoal works and one of the students included a…

Wiping Out Bathroom Stall Problems in Florida

By Steve McGough / March 12, 2008 / Comments Off on Wiping Out Bathroom Stall Problems in Florida

It’s nanny state day. In Florida, there are already local laws that cover restaurant health inspections. But members of the Florida legislature – including a Republican who wrote the bill – think the state must step in to ensure there is enough TP in the stalls.

Idiots in Congress put Marines at Risk

By Steve McGough / February 27, 2008 / Comments Off on Idiots in Congress put Marines at Risk

This is what happens when congressional representatives show-boat about how Bush is not delivering what the troops need in battle. They have no idea what they are talking about, but they push and push. We have to do something! Guess there were no user acceptance testing involved. Marines Call New Body Armor Heavy, Impractical Wednesday,…

Commuters Need More Traffic Information?

By Steve McGough / February 6, 2008 /

In a Jan. 27 article in The Hartford Courant, Michael Critelli, chairman of the Commission on the Reform of the Connecticut Department of Transportation, writes: We should have one easy-to-remember phone number that travelers can call to receive reliable, real-time information about traffic, public transportation or other travel issues, and ways to avoid problems. In…

Romney Not Perfect – Still Voting for Him

By Steve McGough / February 4, 2008 / Comments Off on Romney Not Perfect – Still Voting for Him

Mitt Romney is a politician that looks slick. There’s something about him that’s just not right, but nobody can put a finger on it. He’s smooth. No, he’s not too perfect, he’s just, well, a politician. I’m going to vote for Romney in tomorrows primary here in Connecticut, but here are some reasons why most…

Duncan Hunter Endorses Who?

By Steve McGough / January 23, 2008 / Comments Off on Duncan Hunter Endorses Who?

I’m not quite certain what to think of this, but Rep. Duncan Hunter, former Republican candidate for president – that almost nobody has ever heard of – exited the race earlier this week (or last week) and has endorsed Gov. Mike Huckabee. I’m scratching my head on this one, and so is Michelle Malkin. The…