Confirmed? Raising minimum wage increases unemployment

Here’s another great new learning opportunity for readers. If you owned a small business that employed 10 teenagers, how important is the payroll line in your budget? A majority of teens make minimum wage while they scoop ice cream, mow lawns and work at fast food joints. Many of these employees are paid more than…

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Your wallet – the only place Democrats want to drill

Great bumper sticker now available through the Tennessee Republican Party. It will be the second popular catch phrase coming from the increased cost of fuel and liberals refusing to drill anywhere, at anytime. Of course, they don’t ever seem to have a problem drilling into our wallets to redistribute wealth. First we’ve got the Drill…

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How to lower oil prices right now – Yes. We. Can.

Barack Obama does not have any answers. All that he and his Democrat followers can do is blame the increase in gas prices on Big Oil, the war in Iraq, and Republicans that refuse to “invest” in new technology so we can “get off” our addiction to oil. Of course, it doesn’t help that Dick…

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The Democrat Agenda – Government Must Own Oil Industry

In the last month, at least two members of congress, Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and Maurice Hinchey (D-N.Y.), called for nationalizing the oil industry. Read that sentence again. Can someone name for me any private industry that has been taken over by the government where service got better, quality improved, or costs went down? Certainly the…

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The True Cost of Employee Health Benefits

During World War II, companies were having a tough time finding well-qualified employees due to wage and price controls. Salaries were artificially kept low, and to solve the problem employers began to offer benefits including health and life insurance, better pensions, and more vacation time to attract employees. As time went on, employees began to…

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Class Envy Continues – States Extort from Aircraft Owners

In the early 1990s, the U.S. Congress enacted a new law that taxed “luxury” items 10 percent. This was a big deal, since automobiles priced more than $30,000, boats more than $100,000, jewelry more than $10,000 and aircraft priced more than $250,000 were all targeted in the effort to enrich the government coffers. So, why…

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Another Millionaire’s Tax – Don’t They Get It?

Let’s say you owned a successful local business with 25 full-time employees. Or maybe you’re a manager for a Fortune 50 company managing a staff of 50 in a city, how would you expect to be treated by the local government? Would you be expect to be treated as a leader who has invested and…

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Government Continues to Penalize the Successful

Just yesterday I received an e-mail from a friend who was quite upset about his tax burden. He increased his quarterly payments by 33 percent in 2007, but his tax bill was higher than expected and he still owed more money. He owed so much more that a penalty was added. He was under the…

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Economic Media Myths – Comparing Clinton and Bush Years

How bad is the current economy? Certainly we’re having some issues with fuel prices, and falling house values are causing an issue for some people who chose an adjustable rate mortgage within the past five years. John R. Lott Jr. from takes a quick look at how the media can drive economic news.

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