Nuclear power good for Iran, not good for USA

At least that’s how I read President Obama’s statement he made during a BBC interview yesterday. The United Nations have strongly worded resolutions (1696, 1737 and 1747) demanding Iran suspend uranium enrichment and applying sanctions for ignoring them, but Obama has completely invalidated all three by stating that Iran may have a right to nuclear…

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Pakistan negotiations with Taliban will lead to nuclear crisis

We have identified the international issue that may haunt the Obama administration in the future. It’s the not-so-far-fetched possibility the Taliban – who have been migrating from Afghanistan into Pakistan – will soon have access to nuclear weapons. The negotiation for “peace” with Taliban leadership will be a devastating mistake. Within the past three months,…

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Obama: Seeking Greater Moral Authority with … Iran?

Because you can never increase your moral standing too high when you are trying to deal with a megalomaniacal, holocaust denying, homosexual jailing, Israel annihilating leader. Thus, says the one, let’s start disarming because then we’ll have firmer ground to stand on when we deal with Ahmadinejad.  Oh and make special note, he would like to be known…

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Obama suggests international community buy off Iran

How else can you put it? When I first read the Reuters story, I thought that his position on Iran going nuclear sounded a lot like our current administration’s position on Iran going nuclear. During his visit to Israel, Obama spoke with a group of reporters and let them know – in no uncertain terms…

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