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Leon Panetta to Brian Williams: Waterboarding led to OBL kill

By Jim Vicevich / May 4, 2011 /

Not the answer the lefties were hoping for, and there will still be the deniers, but Obama’s head of the CIA confirmed last night with Brian Williams on NBC that yes some of the information used to capture Osama bin Laden was gained through the use of waterboarding. All of the humanity.

Update: Is Panetta a good fit at CIA?

By Steve McGough / January 6, 2009 /

Probably not if you come from the Mitch Rapp school of action, not appeasement. Some feel that the media should not question Obama appointments, but plenty of questions are being asked concerning Obama’s current selection to lead the CIA, Leon Panetta – including big Democrats. Update: Jim just let me know that Peter Brookes, former…