Protesters Interrupt McCain Speech

You see, stuff like this is why John McCain has a chance in November. The nastier and more disrespectful the other side gets, the more people get behind John McCain and Sarah Palin. Americans don’t like dirty play. They want straight up, straight forward people without the nonsense. Disrupting the nomination speech??? Just straight up childish and rude. There’s a time and a place and that wasn’t it. Just as their plans for kidnapping delegates is insane. I don’t think these protesters are the brightest. They just made asses out of themselves on national television and didn’t rally people behind their cause, they scared people away.

Now I want to bring up one other point about this. Getting credentials for the RNC is not the easiest thing. Security was no joke around there. So, my question is, will they release where these protesters credentials came from??? Because I have a few guesses!!!

Read article here. There’s also a video link in the article if you wanted to watch it. Surprise, surprise CNN keeps all cameras on the disruptive protesters!!! But kudos to John McCain for making a joke about it, laughing and moving on.

~Post by Mel

Posted in

Mel Weaver

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