

By Jim Vicevich | February 5, 2008 | Comments Off on Update

Hey folks, change of plans. I am suddenly getting that doggone cold or flu or whatever and I am fading fast. Various members of my family have been sick for more than a week and it looks like I have finally succumbed so … I am heading off to bed. I will leave you with…

Super Tuesday Video

By Jim Vicevich | February 5, 2008 | Comments Off on Super Tuesday Video

OK folks … finished my work … more on that later … but I am following now and video will be coming shortly … got some nice sound from Karl Rove just a few minutes ago … will have it all starting to go up soon.

Conservative Parody Site – The People’s Cube

By Steve McGough | February 5, 2008 | Comments Off on Conservative Parody Site – The People’s Cube

If you have the time, check out The People’s Cube. It’s a funny parody site with the liberal left (socialists) as the target. Found the link through Malkin’s site. This is hilarious… Press this button if you believe that your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers are guilty of thought crimes. Also, check out Che-Mart. Fun…

Personality Rundown

By Jim Vicevich | February 5, 2008 | Comments Off on Personality Rundown

Victor Davis Hanson has a nice roundup of the various personalitites involved in this years election. Here’s a peak.Mr. McCainI’m neither a political scientist nor working for any particular candidate. Instead, as a historian I simply look at the Republican race empirically, as an observer who came to an understandable conclusion that (1) McCain is…

Fact Check

By Jim Vicevich | February 5, 2008 | Comments Off on Fact Check

Sorry about this folks … but here are some fact check

Super Duper Tuesday

By Jim Vicevich | February 5, 2008 | Comments Off on Super Duper Tuesday

Pajamas Media will have day long coverage from around the country. Here’s the link.

Republicans for Hillary

By Jim Vicevich | February 5, 2008 | Comments Off on Republicans for Hillary

Rich Lowry on Republican fears. Can’t say I agree.


By Jim Vicevich | February 3, 2008 | Comments Off on GgggggggggggggggggggMen

Eli is the Man(ning) again. So satisfying after listening to two weeks of “The Giants have no chance … it will be a blowout.” And that was from the New York media. In all the years I have followed them … THIS … was the team’s greatest victory and I go back to watching games…

Obama Tax cuts for the middle class

By Jim Vicevich | February 3, 2008 | Comments Off on Obama Tax cuts for the middle class

Every time I hear him, the middle class makes less and less. OK folks, here are Senator Obama’s tax cuts … minus teachers, cops, firefighters, factory workers, truck drivers, etc.


By Jim Vicevich | February 3, 2008 | Comments Off on NOOOOOOOOOOO!

Arghhhhhhhh … oh no … please no … pa-leassssssssssssse!