
Child Terrorists

By Jim Vicevich | February 6, 2008 | Comments Off on Child Terrorists

This is just beyond description. Really. Foxnews has video too.

Can McCain Close The Deal?

By Jim Vicevich | February 6, 2008 | Comments Off on Can McCain Close The Deal?

Strangely, I think Republcians could have an advantage here. If McCain can close the deal as our friend Jed Babbin suggests he should, then the party can begin to coalesce.

Really Speaking Truth To Power!

By Jim Vicevich | February 6, 2008 | Comments Off on Really Speaking Truth To Power!

The Captain has a great post on Mr Reagan’s 97th birthday. I could post the video but I would rather have you visit the captain. He did the leg work!Best line: Reagan spoke truth to massive power, and he sounded its death knell in four short words.

Democrats Divided By Race?

By Jim Vicevich | February 6, 2008 | Comments Off on Democrats Divided By Race?

Democrats aren’t racist … they just vote thier special interest. Now Republicans on the other hand …. ewwwwwwww.

EWWWWW, A Republican!

By Jim Vicevich | February 6, 2008 | Comments Off on EWWWWW, A Republican!

This via Hotair. I know its just one vote but did you ever get the idea that its a miracle any Republican evvvvvvvver gets elected. Read more. Here’s the best part: I tell him I’m a registered Republican, at which point he announces to the entire table, “Oh, this guy’s a Republican,” as if it’s…

Karl Rove On VP Huckster

By Jim Vicevich | February 5, 2008 | Comments Off on Karl Rove On VP Huckster

Seems logical after tonight but not to Rove. Don’t get stuck on stupid.

Youth Vote 2

By Jim Vicevich | February 5, 2008 | Comments Off on Youth Vote 2

More from America’s children … do their parents know they’re talking this way? Exit question: Do college kids ever … I mean ever think for themselves?

Latte Liberals

By Jim Vicevich | February 5, 2008 | Comments Off on Latte Liberals

I love this … Connecticut is the land of the latte liberal … oh brother. Well at least they got that right.

The Youth Vote

By Jim Vicevich | February 5, 2008 | Comments Off on The Youth Vote

OK … they look like hippies and sound like them too … of course they like Obama … they don’t make anything and everything Obama promises is free … well except for their parents. They’ll learn.

CT Goes Obama

By Jim Vicevich | February 5, 2008 | Comments Off on CT Goes Obama

I am not sure if this is a surprise … other than CT is very liberal (I mean hey they didn’t ask me to work primary coverage tonight) … and liberals like Obama.