
John McCain vs Hillary Clinton

By Jim Vicevich | February 7, 2008 | Comments Off on John McCain vs Hillary Clinton

Bill Bennett is asking conservatives to be a little realistic … not so emotional … more mature?I see his point. I think you will too.

Senator Clinton Is Just Like Us … Except A Millionaire

By Jim Vicevich | February 7, 2008 | Comments Off on Senator Clinton Is Just Like Us … Except A Millionaire

Obama supporter Jamal Simmons revels in the fact that the Clinton campaign needed to borrow money … squeezed was the word he used … listen to James Carville’s response … she’s just like us and that brings me comfort.

McCain At CPAC Part 2

By Jim Vicevich | February 7, 2008 | Comments Off on McCain At CPAC Part 2

McCain On Immigration. I am told it’s the only time he was booed. But listen how turns that into cheers. Remember … this is the toughest audience he will face.

McCain At CPAC Part 1

By Jim Vicevich | February 7, 2008 | Comments Off on McCain At CPAC Part 1

He promises … and … well … he is convincing.

Romney Steps Aside For The Cause

By Jim Vicevich | February 7, 2008 | Comments Off on Romney Steps Aside For The Cause

The path is clear, the choice is McCain, Governor Romney steps aside:

Cornyn Endorses McCain? What?

By Jim Vicevich | February 7, 2008 | Comments Off on Cornyn Endorses McCain? What?

Just got this e-mail. I like Senator John Cornyn and I am frankly shocked. Remember when McCain told Cornyn to “F” off? If not … here’s the reference. Here’s what Senator Cornyn says now: “In this time of war and economic uncertainty, America must have strong, principled leadership. National security is the first and most…

Reorganize, Rethink, Get Fired Up

By Steve McGough | February 7, 2008 |

With Romney effectively out, most true conservatives feel lost and disappointed. Now is not the time to give up, but we must look at our priorities and how conservatives approach appreciation of their ideas. Today, prior to Romney’s speech at CPAC, Michelle Malkin wrote a good piece. On Wednesday, wielding his olive branch like a…

Oh … The Angst!

By Jim Vicevich | February 7, 2008 | Comments Off on Oh … The Angst!

It’s just not fair I tell you … making us Dems choose. Listen especially to Andrea Mitchell. Listen especially to how Democrats pay attention to race and sex … even though its not about race or sex … or …

It’s Man Bear Pig

By Jim Vicevich | February 7, 2008 | Comments Off on It’s Man Bear Pig

This time though its John Kerry blaming the tornados on Global warming. The Business and Media Institute does a little digging and comes up with this: “Roger Edwards, a meteorologist at the Storm Prediction Center of the National Weather Center in Norman, Okla., has doubts about any global warming and tornado relationship.“As of this writing,…

Don’t You "Fox" Me

By Jim Vicevich | February 7, 2008 | Comments Off on Don’t You "Fox" Me

My son was watching when this happened yesterday and called me to watch. Good for Shep. And thanks so much to Hot Air for catching it on tape. Make sure you go there just to read the comments. Great! Shep Smith is a good southern boy and he always minds his manners … but Naomi…