
He Is The Way?

By Jim Vicevich | February 8, 2008 | Comments Off on He Is The Way?

The press is beginning to notice, but where have they been?I first started talking about Obamamania being a borderline religion months ago. I took particular note right after Oprah, a woman I respect very much for her personal accomplishments and generosity, told us we had the chance to “vote the hope”. The constant Biblical references,…

It’s All About The Stimulus

By Jim Vicevich | February 8, 2008 | Comments Off on It’s All About The Stimulus

Feeling frisky yet (economically speaking of course)? Congress knows how to stimulate you. I prefer Glenn Reynolds line instead: BAH: “Stimulus” bill passes. More properly known as the “buying votes with borrowed money” bill.

Moms Being Moms

By Jim Vicevich | February 8, 2008 | Comments Off on Moms Being Moms

WFTV in Florida has this story. Reminds me of the old days. My guess is this young man will grow up to be one fine person and he can thank his Mom for it. This young boy might feel embarassed but I think very highly of him. He took his punishment and showed more character…

Keeping Connecticut Safe From Cell Phone Companies

By Jim Vicevich | February 8, 2008 | Comments Off on Keeping Connecticut Safe From Cell Phone Companies

Connecticut Democrats want to froce cell phone companies to charge by the second and not minute. The only problem is … once again it’s not their job. Attorney General Richard Blumenthal said the Federal Communications Commission has legal jurisdiction over wireless phone companies.Let’s see … can’t keep criminals in jail, can’t safeguard private property, won’t…

Air America Hate Speech And More

By Jim Vicevich | February 8, 2008 | Comments Off on Air America Hate Speech And More

John has some great quick hits this morning … including Air America hate speach again. Sorry folks … shock radio just wont get you ratings … just scorn. It’s just not funny. Really. Here’s a sample: ANNOUNCER: The following is a paid advertisement from Republicans for Mitt Romney, or mass suicide. If John McCain is…

"I Want A Landslide"

By Jim Vicevich | February 8, 2008 | Comments Off on "I Want A Landslide"

Didn’t the Dixie Chicks sing this too. Now Howard Dean. Huraaaaaaaaah!

Deny Global Warming … Go To Jail

By Jim Vicevich | February 8, 2008 | Comments Off on Deny Global Warming … Go To Jail

No, seriously … that’s what this guy wants to do. Hot Air has the best line: “A great leap forward. I always figured we’d “progress” from taxation to carbon rationing to reproductive rationing (front end or back end) and then to imprisonment, but this movement has an inertia all its own.”

Rockin’ – Carry on Wayward Son

By Steve McGough | February 7, 2008 | Comments Off on Rockin’ – Carry on Wayward Son

The Grooviest Videos on the Web,

No More Debates … Please!

By Jim Vicevich | February 7, 2008 | Comments Off on No More Debates … Please!

Continuing with the Carville post below … Hillary wants more debates. Umm, not likely. Hillary is in real trouble folks.  Here’s what Fred Barnes of the Weekly Standard has to say about Clinton’s request for more debates and Obama’s rejection.

Dream Ticket?

By Jim Vicevich | February 7, 2008 | Comments Off on Dream Ticket?

Can you guess Wolf’s dream ticket? Hmmmmmmm … can you? Go on guess … go on. Now can you guess what the Democratic party leaders think of the dream ticket? Hmmmmm? My favorite part is “There are no losers in the Democratic Party.” Well not yet anyway. It’s like Little League … everyone gets a…