

By Jim Vicevich | February 26, 2008 | Comments Off on What?

I tell you, pound for pound this guy is the most entertaining talker on TV. Tonight’s Chris Matthews “What is he talking about?” moment. Now that’s insightful analysis. I think.

Obama Bringing The Country Together?

By Jim Vicevich | February 26, 2008 | Comments Off on Obama Bringing The Country Together?

Jim Angle with Fox News did a great job of outlining Senator Obama’s very partisan voting record. Hardly a uniter he is as partisan as they come. And clearly if it comes down to a face off  between him and McCain … McCain wins the “uniter” title hands down. Here’s a sample. I will play…

Dodd Endorses Obama

By Jim Vicevich | February 26, 2008 | Comments Off on Dodd Endorses Obama

I like Senator Dodd. Really I do. No, not his politics. On that we are just not even in the same ballpark. But Peace Corps, National Guard and Army Reserve, lawyer (OK, two out of three ain’t bad) is worthy of respect from anyone, really.  But this is just too hard for me to understand.…

With Friends Like This

By Jim Vicevich | February 26, 2008 | Comments Off on With Friends Like This

The warm up act for McCain’s Ohio appearance ran into a snag today when Ohio talk show host, Billy Cunningham, decided to throw some political red meat to the crowd. Not sure the crowd liked it … but then you never know. Here’s what he said from CNN’s “Situation Room”: and here’s McCain’s response. Good…

Remember that Little Bit of Mercury in those Bulbs?

By Steve McGough | February 26, 2008 | Comments Off on Remember that Little Bit of Mercury in those Bulbs?

These bulbs are being mandated on people left and right and they are not cheap. A regular bulb will cost you $1.50 and these new compact fluorescents are upwards of $8 or $9 each. On top of that, let’s look at the hazards related to these new bulbs. I think it’s all hogwash, but the…

First Attack on WTC – 15 Years Ago

By Steve McGough | February 26, 2008 |

Why doesn’t the main stream media take a couple of minutes of broadcast time to remember the first terrorist attacks on U.S. soil? We’ll see if they cover at the 6:30 p.m. national news hour. Michelle Malkin reminds us. So does Debbie Schlussel. Not much out there if you do a Google News search. NY1…

Chavez Urges Workers – Avoid English Words

By Steve McGough | February 26, 2008 |

It seems like state phone company workers in Venezuela are using some English phrases and Hugo Chavez doesn’t like it. From the AP. President Hugo Chavez’s government is taking its battle against U.S. “imperialism” into Venezuelans’ dictionaries, urging state phone company workers to avoid English-language business and tech terms. Through a campaign launched Monday, newly…

Kosovo … More Important Than You Think

By Jim Vicevich | February 26, 2008 | Comments Off on Kosovo … More Important Than You Think

I was hoping someone would take up this issue … of course it would be Powerline. Is there anyone in his right mind who really thinks it is a good idea to establish a breakaway Islamic state over in the corner of Europe that lit the match for World War I?

Who Will Pay?

By Jim Vicevich | February 26, 2008 | Comments Off on Who Will Pay?

I have been ranting about this for months. Of course you already know the answer to this question don’t you? Hmmm? Don’t you? While it’s hard to come up with a precise price tag given the lack of specifics in many of their proposals, these plans are likely to cost the Treasury well into the…

McCain: Fighting The Good Fight

By Jim Vicevich | February 26, 2008 | Comments Off on McCain: Fighting The Good Fight

Somehow I think Senator Obama and the NYT are going to have a hard time making the case that McCain is in the pocket of special interests. Well, anything is worth trying, I suppose, but there is the little problem of his record. McCain has fought one battle after another against lobbyists and special interests.…