
How Republicans Can Win Or Dems Lose

By Jim Vicevich | March 11, 2008 | Comments Off on How Republicans Can Win Or Dems Lose

Two takes on the same story and its all about Iraq … both from the left. Interesting.One from the Washington Post:You can see it all happening again: a Republican charging that the Democrats are defeatist, soft on national security and not to be trusted with the White House. And you can see the Democratic Party…

Oink, Oink … Continuuuuuuued!

By Jim Vicevich | March 11, 2008 | Comments Off on Oink, Oink … Continuuuuuuued!

Don Surber reports Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have joined the war against earmarks. WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton on Monday joined Republican presidential candidate John McCain and a small band of GOP senators in making a run this week against the billions of dollars in home-state pet projects Congress…

Gotta Love Those Republicans

By Jim Vicevich | March 10, 2008 | Comments Off on Gotta Love Those Republicans

This is how far they have fallen, ladies and gentlemen. First they lose a reliably Republican district in Denny Hastert’s seat. Now this. If contributions are down, now you know why. My guess is … the money will soon slow from a trickle to a drip, drip, drip.  Sigh! I am a man without a party.…


By Jim Vicevich | March 10, 2008 | Comments Off on Impeachment

Just heard Fox report on “On The Record” that Republicans will seek to impeach Spitzer if he does not resign tonight … and they say they have the votes. Republicans hold a majority in the Senate but are a tiny minority in the Assembly. Hmmm. Can’t wait to see this.

It Was Just Sex … Carville

By Jim Vicevich | March 10, 2008 | Comments Off on It Was Just Sex … Carville

Well James has a whole lot of experience with this kind of stuff (remember, its just a sex lie) … and I know he’s a partisan, but I have to say even I was surprised by Carville’s cavalier attitude about a former AG who has prosecuted prostitution rings, and a Governor who promised to uphold the law,…

Jail Time or Deal Time?

By Jim Vicevich | March 10, 2008 | Comments Off on Jail Time or Deal Time?

I find it hard to believe. He’s known as a law and order guy and that’s got to count for something. Still on Fox News this afternoon, Judge Andrew P. Napolitano says the penalties could be stiff.

Obama To Hillary … Check The Scoreboard!

By Jim Vicevich | March 10, 2008 | Comments Off on Obama To Hillary … Check The Scoreboard!

More than once now Hillary Clinton has raised the idea of running on the same ticket with Obama clearly as the VP. Obama did not respond and apparently that has hurt him with talk that by not responding he would be willing to take the number two slot. Well today … Obama responded. From Fox News.

Spitzer: It’s A Private Matter? NY Sun Updates.

By Jim Vicevich | March 10, 2008 | Comments Off on Spitzer: It’s A Private Matter? NY Sun Updates.

The media has started to pile on … not good for the Governor for sure. The NY Sun is all over it now: Spitzer Is Tied To Prostitution Ring and Prostitution Case Features Prosecutors of Corruption Here’s my take. Ya know it’s not the prostitution … at least not as far as I am concerned.…

Spitzer Is Linked to Prostitution Ring … Statement

By Jim Vicevich | March 10, 2008 | Comments Off on Spitzer Is Linked to Prostitution Ring … Statement

The NY Times started this all with a report this afternoon. Yikes … the man who made a career out of going after corruption, real and otherwise. Here’s his statement … but no resignation. That’s what Fox News is reporting … you can watch for yourself. But for sure there are a lot of people…

Think Hillary Means Business?

By Jim Vicevich | March 10, 2008 | Comments Off on Think Hillary Means Business?

Oh man this could get really good. PA Governor Ed Rendell on Meet The Press yesterday on whether the Clinton campaign would continue the fight even if Obama has the lead in delegates and popular vote. Hell, yes! The this from Carl Levin on ABC’s This Week: This could be real fun.