It’s The Cost Of Health Care … Not Who Pays

Finally a column on the real issue in the heatlhcare debate: the cost. Michael Tanner nails it at National Review.

“You worry about the uninsured, but they are a symptom of a larger problem. Unless you do something about cost, you are chasing your proverbial tail.”

Read on.

By the way for a look at how we can provide affordable legal care to all (like Democratic Governor Spitzer’s) click here.

Now consider the recent news that 1 in every 100 people has landed in jail, and armed with the knowledge that most of these people are poor and likely are denied the same legal representation as the rich because of their financial status … does it not follow that national legalcare is more or as important than healthcare. The kind of legal care that up to this point, only the rich like Spitzer and OJ could afford. Why can’t we get access to that kind of legal care?

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Jim Vicevich

Jim is a veteran broadcaster and conservative/libertarian blogger with more than 25 years experience in TV and radio. Jim's was the long-term host of The Jim Vicevich Show on WTIC 1080 in Hartford from 2004 through 2019. Prior to radio, Jim worked as a business and financial reporter for NBC30 - the NBC owned TV station in Hartford - and as business editor at WFSB-TV in Hartford for 14 years while earning six Emmy nominations and three Telly Awards.

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