The growing government hand – looking back

M. Jay Wells at American Thinker has put together a time line wrapping together – year by year – how the mortgage crisis happened. It’s a long post, but worth your time this Sunday morning. The piece outlines choices made by our elected leaders – and influence by organizations like ACORN – going back to…

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Frank gleeful about soaking the rich come Jan. 21

Here it comes. Since it is almost a given – for many liberals – that The One will be sworn into office on a cold day in January, the faithful masses of politicians on the left side of the aisle are getting a warm and fuzzy feeling as they prepare to stick to to the…

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Free products and services equal unlimited demand

I’ve been meaning to write a post concerning “free” goods and services. What happens when the government – or any other group – comes in and offers something for a very low cost or free? I’ve found three events that will show us what happens when you offer stuff for free or at super-low cost,…

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We’re already spreading the wealth around

Barak Obama had an impromptu conversation with Joe Wurzelbacher, a plumber from Ohio. Wurzelbacher is living the American dream. He’s paying more and more taxes and he’s not happy about it. He asked Obama about his tax plan, “your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn’t it”? Well of course Obama proclaimed.…

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Hey, You Don’t Expect People To Read That Stuff

Ok … this may very well be the quote of the day. Cavuto interviewing Acorn Housing Director Mike Shay on it’s role in the sub-prime mortgage mess. Shay claims only a few such CRA loans are bad (more on that below) and the ones that did go bad were the result of predatory lenders not homeowners…

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Here is how Neil Cavuto kicked off his business show tonight putting today’s 600 plus sell off in perspective and it’s not pretty:   The Dow is one of the best leading indicators I know … when its rational. I just can’t determine if this is just plain panic or rational selling, or both. When…

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Car buyers upside down after driving off the lot

I understand that most car buyers are not purchasing vehicles for an investment, but you have to admit that just because you’re upside down in a borrowing situation does not mean that you are unable – or unwilling – to make the payments. When you took the zero down payment plan and drive your new…

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