Articles posted by

Steve McGough

The Democrat Agenda – Government Must Own Oil Industry

By Steve McGough / June 19, 2008 /

In the last month, at least two members of congress, Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and Maurice Hinchey (D-N.Y.), called for nationalizing the oil industry. Read that sentence again. Can someone name for me any private industry that has been taken over by the government where service got better, quality improved, or costs went down? Certainly the…

New Perspective on Global Warming Available for Kids

By Steve McGough / June 18, 2008 / Comments Off on New Perspective on Global Warming Available for Kids

I have not been paying much attention to my blogging efforts the past month or so. But I have written a couple of posts recently so I went to check out my Google Analytics reports. Local conservative radio host – Jim Vicevich in the Hartford market – provided a highlighted link to Thanks Jim!…

The True Cost of Employee Health Benefits

By Steve McGough / June 18, 2008 / Comments Off on The True Cost of Employee Health Benefits

During World War II, companies were having a tough time finding well-qualified employees due to wage and price controls. Salaries were artificially kept low, and to solve the problem employers began to offer benefits including health and life insurance, better pensions, and more vacation time to attract employees. As time went on, employees began to…

Taking a Closer Look at Dodd’s Mortgage (Updated July 21)

By Steve McGough / June 17, 2008 /

Since I’m one of his constituents here in Connecticut, I figured that I would take a closer look at the two mortgages that Chris Dodd and his wife received on his property here in-state and in Washington D.C. As I write this post, I’m assuming Dodd did not ask for special treatment. [Update June 18]…

Republicans Block Fuel Price Increase Proposed by Democrats

By Steve McGough / June 10, 2008 / Comments Off on Republicans Block Fuel Price Increase Proposed by Democrats

At least that’s how the headline should read. Liberals have not learned anything in decades, all they know how to do is tug at the heartstrings of the working family and promote feel-good legislation that does nothing. Point in fact; when you increase the tax burden on a business, the business is forced to make…

The Obama Change Machine

By Steve McGough / May 13, 2008 /

I have not had much time to post lately, but my new portal at work has been down for the last 30 minutes so I headed over to American Thinker and found this post concerning Obama’s changing opinions during the past 30 days. [Update: Malkin is letting us know that the House Republicans are jumping…

Class Envy Continues – States Extort from Aircraft Owners

By Steve McGough / May 2, 2008 / Comments Off on Class Envy Continues – States Extort from Aircraft Owners

In the early 1990s, the U.S. Congress enacted a new law that taxed “luxury” items 10 percent. This was a big deal, since automobiles priced more than $30,000, boats more than $100,000, jewelry more than $10,000 and aircraft priced more than $250,000 were all targeted in the effort to enrich the government coffers. So, why…

Interested in Writing for this Blog? Help Us!

By Steve McGough / April 25, 2008 /

The writing staff for – which is now down to the power of one – is looking for writers to contribute to this site. I’m getting a bit busy with work and now that the sun is out, I’m not able to post as frequently as I would like. Would you like to contribute?…

The Politics of Class Envy

By Steve McGough / April 16, 2008 / Comments Off on The Politics of Class Envy

Here’s an article on American Thinker that is just up my ally – and well worth a read for our small audience. Obama and all of the populists like to tell you that they understand your plight. You’ve got a right to be mad, especially at all of  those rich people. CEOs make too much…

Republicans Can Be Populists Too

By Steve McGough / April 16, 2008 / Comments Off on Republicans Can Be Populists Too

Yes, they can. They are. They can be bigots and elitist too. We saw it with John McCain & Huckabee concerning the border and immigration issues. Michelle Malkin’s column just scratches the surface, politicians these days all seem to be pandering to special groups; they are populist candidates. What can the government do for you…