Articles posted by

Steve McGough

Improve Self Esteem – Cancel Competition for Kids

By Steve McGough / July 1, 2008 /

Again from the “this-make-absolutely-no-sense” file. The mayor of Beechwood, Ohio has elected to cancel the Little League All-Star game to avoid hurting the self esteem of the kids who are not selected for the team. He’s not kidding. First, we stopped keeping score because we did not want the losers to feel bad. Now, we…

Flash Based Electric 3D Engine

By Steve McGough / June 30, 2008 / Comments Off on Flash Based Electric 3D Engine

Pretty cool stuff. Nice calming music, and you can’t crash. It’s kind of like a Flash flight simulator. You can open it up at full screen and just move the mouse to the left, right, up and down to “fly” around the snow-capped mountains. Click here.

Great Business Opportunity Available in D.C.

By Steve McGough / June 30, 2008 /

I’ve been reading a bit about the Heller decision and how things will change for the better in the District. At this point, residents who qualify should be able to purchase a pistol for home protection. Personally, I do not think that a pistol is the best choice for a home defense weapon, but it’s…

Wesley Clark Throws Obama Under the Bus

By Steve McGough / June 30, 2008 / Comments Off on Wesley Clark Throws Obama Under the Bus

How else can you explain it? Four years ago, the Democrat elite were saying that only someone with prior military experience could bring the United States out of the at-war condition we were in. Of course Wesley Clark was one of those candidates, but as it turned out, John Kerry reported for duty and pretty…

French Plan to Regulate Line Dancing

By Steve McGough / June 29, 2008 / Comments Off on French Plan to Regulate Line Dancing

When it comes to stories out of France, you really do not have to try hard to find a good laugh. Although the countries new president seems to have his head on straight, that does not mean that the civil servants even have a brain. Country line dancing has become a big hit in the…

Supreme Court Affirms Heller – There is an Individual Right

By Steve McGough / June 26, 2008 / Comments Off on Supreme Court Affirms Heller – There is an Individual Right

Normally, this site does not cover breaking news, but for the DC v Heller case, we’re making an editorial decision to post information as soon as it is released. We’ll provide the full PDF of the decision – and the dissenting opinion if there is one – here on the site. SCOTUSblog has the Cover…

Brits Consider Ban on Wigs, Dark Sunglasses

By Steve McGough / June 24, 2008 / Comments Off on Brits Consider Ban on Wigs, Dark Sunglasses

And you think that I’m making up that headline? Okay, I am making it up, but if the police in Yorkshire are going around asking Pub owners to have patrons remove their headgear, what’s next? You see, the coppers want everyone to remove their hats so the troublemakers in the lot can be easily recognized…

Brazilian Official Lies About Lost Tribe – Media Soaks Up Story

By Steve McGough / June 24, 2008 / Comments Off on Brazilian Official Lies About Lost Tribe – Media Soaks Up Story

A Brazilian official – working for the Brazilian Indian Protection Agency – has been caught creating a news story to promote an environmental cause. There is nothing new here, the drive-by-media loves a story that fits the liberal agenda. In this case, a government official took photographs during an expedition flight over the Amazon, documenting…

The Fairness Doctrine v2.0

By Steve McGough / June 20, 2008 / Comments Off on The Fairness Doctrine v2.0

I was in high school in the early 1980s. Although I do remember a few lessons and a few good friends from back in the day, I certainly don’t remember the Fairness Doctrine. Back then, I just listened to music and anyone who listened to talk radio was, well, old. I do remember a day…

McCain Plays Both Sides of the Fence

By Steve McGough / June 20, 2008 /

Were you one of those people looking for a conservative candidate late last year? I certainly was, and I was pretty certain that John McCain was not a conservative. To say that he got slammed in October could be an understatement. McCain spent most of the fall preaching “comprehensive immigration reform” which included a border…