A bad day for mayors… a good day for Detroit.

In proof that sour grapes make for a sour whine, Kwame Kilpatrick attributed to political ambition what is adequately explained by the rule of law:

“I’m stepping down because the new spirit of this city, the new expectations and standards that we’ve set for excellence in the past six and a half years has been tangled up in what I believe is the pursuit of many people’s own political ambitions, even our governor, Jennifer Granholm, who I wish well”

Little acknowledgment was made of his copping a plea to two felonies (he had been charged with eight), the sweet-heart sentencing he received or the eight million dollars the city had to pay as a consequence of his actions as mayor.

It was only in the court room that truth came out:

“Kilpatrick told Wayne Circuit Judge David Groner: “I lied under oath in the case of Gary Brown and Harold Nelthrope versus the city of Detroit … I did so with the intent to mislead the court and jury, to impede and obstruct the disposition of justice.””

Detroit mayor resigns: ‘I lied’

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Dave in EH

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