Your Chris Matthews moment of the night
Yeah, it’s a slow news night, and it’s not like Matthews got a tingle, or forgot Obama was black, or called creationists troglodytes, or … oh forget it. It still made me chuckle.
According to Chris, Brown’s got some pretty big cashews to sign a book deal already. I mean, says Chris, don’t you have to do something before you write your life story? Coming from the man who praised The One for his , not to mention his praise for a man who wrote two memoirs before he completed his second year in the Senate … now that’s cashews, heh?

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Karl Rove peddling his book, Brown writing a book, Hannity coming out with a book (paperback of course), ….Jim you need to write a book !
Okay, so hes going to write about his up bringing, college years, and early career right up to winning the "Ted Kennedy" seat…now is Chris Mathews from another planet? It's not like its a book about his 35 days in office….
Hey Chris, I bet your book would be 1 page long with a paragraph that looked something like this
" Whaaaaaaaaaa WHAaaaa WHaaaaa whaaaaaa wahhhhhhh "
"I mean, says Chris, don’t you have to do something before you write your life story?"
Why? You apparently don't have to accomplish anything to win a Nobel Peace Prize. Or become president, for that matter….