We Tried!
Update: Great post on this same subject at Conservative247.
This is an interesting exercise in looking inside the mind of a liberal. They, in this case, Cong. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Chris Matthews’ favorite) explains that this bank crisis is the Republicans fault, that the Democrats tried for two years to stop this by “reigning in CEO pay.”
Unbelievably no one challenges her. How about your party formed the GSAs that led to this crisis? How about putting wage controls on CEO pay is not only socialism but also would not have prevented this problem? How about controls on the lobby money paid by the GSAs to Senator Obama and Senator Chris Dodd? How about they did nothing?
Here are some links that show both John McCain and President Bush tried to push Congress into action but Chis Dodd, Barack Obama and Debbie Schultz must have been busy working on CEO pay. Oh brother.
How Congress Looked The Other Way, McCain Spoke Forcefully To Fix Fannie Mae, Bush Attempts To Reign In Fannie Mae
Next time your friends try to lay this at the doorstep of George Bush, point them to this page. Everything is sourced through articles in major newspapers.

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