Update: Ohio Terror Suspect on Occupy Cleveland Lease
It turns out that these “fringe players” might not be so “fringe” after all.
One of the five self-described anarchists arrested last week for attempting to blow up a local bridge signed the lease for a West Side warehouse where about a dozen members of the Occupy Cleveland group live.
In a one-hour recording of a Friday evening general assembly meeting of the group posted on its website http://occupycleveland.com/live-stream/, occupy leaders expressed concern about Anthony Hayne’s name being on the lease, which strengthens his link to the group.
“We have a person facing terrorism charges on the lease of our warehouse,” said one of the leaders. “If this gets into the media, it would be a disaster.
Would it now… here’s hoping!

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I can just imagine the NBC report:? “We have discovered that one of the plotters happened to live in the same neighborhood as some of Cleveland’s ‘Occupiers’.”
I am so sick and tired of this #occupy bs . . .
They’re still fringe – they’re just in fringe management.
Isn’t it telling that the Democrats are so enamored of them??? And that Elizabeth “Fauxcohontas” Warren claims to be the “inspiration” for the group?
?Fauxcohontas?—Excellent, Dims!
I wish I could claim credit!
A good anarchist is hard to find.
I just wanted to add how humorous I find it that some of the occupiers wear Guy Faux masks, taking their lead from the movie “V for Vendetta” where the main character wanted to topple a socialist government… Wait… Does that make them hypocrites or ignorant?
These protestors are so fringe that dozens of Occupy the Toilet protestors showed up at their court hearing to show their support.
I am NOT saying that President Obama bears any relationship to Emperor Nero. However, his administration praises more loony anarchists than any administration since Emperor Nero’s.