Two of three: It’s somewhat likely some companies will drop current health care coverage
This is just not a poll question asked on the street, this is a poll of likely voters. That said, unless you are a subscriber you can not see the details of the poll which kind of sucks, but it is what it is.
If the cost of providing health care keeps going up and up, all we need is one large company to simply drop health care insurance coverage in favor of a much lower tax penalty and the dominos will fall. You have to admit, it’s pretty darn tempting to offload the burden to the state after they have been brutalizing your business for years.
Of course, that’s exactly what the Democrats and the Obama administration want. They have been very clear about it. Single payer is the end-game. From Rasmussen.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 62% of Likely U.S. Voters think it is at least somewhat likely that the law will cause some companies to drop their employee coverage. Just 27% feel that’s unlikely. These findings include 40% who believe it is Very Likely versus only seven percent (7%) who say it’s Not At All Likely.
A point that I have brought up before… Since companies do have a responsibility to stockholders, you will see shareholders expressing the opinion a company should drop coverage, simply because it is perfectly legal to do, approved by the government, and will result in larger profit margins. Once the trend begins, shareholders may well start demanding it.

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Of course, larger profit margins mean larger taxes for zero’s personal stash.? Stockholders won’t see a dime.
Thank you Chief Justice Roberts.? You have singlehandedly opened the floodgates to Hades for all Americans.
What other reason could there be to have the penalties cost less than the insurance?
Insidious and incremental.? The liberal way.
Our long national nightmare continues . . . now he is well on his way to snuffing out one-seventh of the US economy. How happy will the shareholders be then?
I can’t help but think this is life imitating art: The Manchurian Candidate.
I’m so tired of listening to disbelieving Republicans or others expressing dismay at the ramifications of Obamacare.? “Don’t they understand this could end private insurance as we know it?”, they cry.? Duh, YES !!? That is their intent !!!? Every time I hear them express concern about hospitals closing, or like tonight, a medical facility that won’t be built because of med-tech taxes in Obamacare I reflectively yell, THAT IS THEIR GOAL? !!!? Drive the private health companies out of business so there can only be one source for health “care”…the Government.?? “There are none so blind as those who will not see.”
Driving the private sector out of health care is hardly a good thing. ?There’s nothing good about a single-payer system, especially one with the government running the show. ?Obamacare is custom made for the takers in life… people who don’t like to pay there own way will really enjoy this perk! ?The rest of us meanwhile will continue paying for the freeloaders while we all watch some of the best health care in the world simply dry up. ?
The private sector in health care will flourish as long as there is demand. Why would it dry up? Isn’t this the way the system works?
Well, it is the way the ?bama system works.?? And the Postal Service.? There is a multi pronged attack on the private sector: regulate them into bankruptcy/higher prices (while limiting fair prices to doctors and hospitals) and providing a “cheaper” system that undercuts the mandate pressured prices imposed on the private system (fueled by them funding this by raping your beloved Medicare).? Add to that the penalties for failure to buy insurance being less than the cost of the insurance, plus pushing the real costs into the future before anyone realizes what is going on (except us of course!), and you have a system designed to take down the best system of care and medical innovation in the world.
But as wildcat says above, that is the idea, isn’t it?
The government is never as innovative, creative or industrious as the private sector; it just lives off that like a parasite, a parasite poised to kill the host, just as it is doing in Europe.
Doctors are already forming small private groups with other doctors. The business model is to treat only a select few patients — people and families who have paid well in excess of $100k to have their own doctor. A private doctor in the strictest sense.
I have heard that these doctors, who retain hospital privileges, see only the clients who have paid them up front. No pesky Medicaid, deadbeats or fighting with the insurance companies. A further requirement to be in the group is that each person or family unit must maintain the absolute best coverage available.
The doctors are paid up front, they have a limited case load, and a client with superior insurance means less collections headaches. Clients can rest assured that they have their doctor or group of doctors ready and on call if the need arises. Hospitals cater with private rooms, suites and amenities.
The wealthy and privileged elite are thus assured of quality medical care when they need it, not a month-away appointment to see a primary physician or a multi-month wait to see a specialist. Who needs Obamacare when you have money?
Seems like the law of supply and demand is being revoked.
The laws of supply and demand are always bastardized when the government, particularly if in a monopoly position, sits and manipulates what the supply and demand are.
Amen.? Monopolies don’t work.? Like a socialist government,?they stifle a free market.?
The choices the progressives give to Americans are:?No choice or a false choice.?
It is just unAmerican to?truly have many choices and then have the goverment only give you 2??options of THEIR choosing.
This amorphous blob called government is an easy punching bag and seemingly always at fault. Don’t we all have a hand in making it what it is when we vote?
Americans have a duty to?continuously (and responsibly)?direct?their legislators.??An American’s vote should?be his / her?final decision on the success or failure of the legislator, and not their first act for change.?
The assumption being that our so called representatives do what we hire them to do, right?? Case in point: ?bamacare.? Few constituents want it, people still don’t know what is in it (including the Congressional Dems that passed it)? and the slobs voted for it without even reading it.
That seems mighty deserving of a punching bag to me.
They (the so called representatives) don’t do what you want, Dims. That is an issue. Check a number of polls on Obamacare and see if it’s really true that a “a few constituents want it” etc.
Well, I looked at HuffPo, hardly a bastion of conservative thought, and came up with this:
It doesn’t look like the public is convinced, and we have yet to feel the brunt of legislation.? The amount of people (in percentages) that want it repealed or stripped down exceeds the percentage of people that got ?bama elected, so it is significant.
The Fox News poll, hardly a bastion of liberal thought, has 40% for, 49% against and 11% not-sure. The 40% for are hardly ” a few constituents”.
So you caught me in an act of hyperbole.? “Few” is not “a few”, by the way.? If you are going to quote me, then cut and paste is your friend.?
But no matter which outlet you choose to reference, the simple fact is that a majority of people do not want ?bamacare.? Can we agree on that?
Dims you have scored point after point. Outstanding job of breaking ?down how Congress and the Progressives work. Thanks
The facts speak for themselves. “an act of hyperbole” can be misleading. Sorry Lynn, but Congress? is not populated solely by Progressives.
When they are in control, they might as well be.?? Case in point: the first two years of the ?bamanation, resulting in ?bamacare.
But Sammy I said how Congress ?AND the Progressives work. I am speaking of the Czars and the Cabinet under President Obama ?Holder, Sebelius and the EPA that pass more and more restrictive mandates. I don’t believe in having the President and both houses of Congress from the same party, this year I want that, just to attempt to reach center again.
Actually, the hyperbole only shows in your inaccurate reading of my post: few vs. a few.? Worlds apart.