Posts Tagged ‘video’
Bill Whittle: It’s called journalism!
Nuff said. Watch the video.
Read MoreWatch Troopathon 2013 live right here – Live video
Troopathon 2013 starts RIGHT NOW. Watch the live video stream right here at Radio Vice Online. The event starts at 4 p.m. ET (1 p.m. PT).
Read MoreVideo from brutal home invasion – nanny cam
I’m not going to use this video as a pretense to suggest you purchase a firearm to defend yourself in your own home, I’m just posting it to let you know what can happen – in the middle of the day – to a wife and mother in her own home.
Read MoreI can’t believe we made it (video)
Jim sent me a text a few minutes ago asking me to post this video. Then my brother texted me about a minute later … “Come on Steve… get that video up for Jim.” Now the phone is ringing…
Read MoreIRS managers and employees living large at government conferences
Public service once meant something quite a bit different than it does today. Sure, the benefits have been very good to great for government employees for decades, but the reports we hear from agencies like the GSA and IRS sound like parties from the Internet tech boom of the 1990s.
Read MoreCNN’s Wolf Blitzer makes assumptions again in Moore, Okla.
By request since everyone is asking for it!
Read MoreColion Noir interview with Cam Edwards on gun control (Video)
Worth eight minutes of your time. Here’s the basic question … there are guns all over the United States, in every city and every suburb. Why do certain areas within cities like Chicago have extreme issues with gun violence, when other communities within the United States do not have as big of an issue, or…
Read MoreBill Whittle: The Virtual President on gun control (Video)
Worth the time. “In this segment of his Virtual State of the Union, the Virtual President talks about why politicians want to talk about gun control rather than crime control, and delivers the factual evidence and historical truths that make the case for the Second Amendment self-evident.”
Read MoreVideo – Hannity vs. Keith Ellison on the sequester
Jim asked me to post the video from Sean Hannity’s show last night and the interview with Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.). To say this was an embarrassment for Ellison would be the understatement of the week.
Read MoreThe growing threat of Obama’s sequester “cuts” (Video) and Update
Crying wolf one too many times? A long, long time ago the United States Congress had to deal with what was referred to as a “Fiscal Cliff.” If we went over the cliff, it would be disastrous for the United States and the world. To solve the problem, Congress changed the rules. What makes you think the…
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