Mandatory insurance and the Constitution

In the race to do something quickly about health care, it would seem that Congress has overlooked one pesky little problem…the United States Constitution. Our founding fathers determined that the individual states were better equipped to deal with most issues.  So, when establishing Congress in Article I of the Constitution, they limited the power of Congress…

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Are we in a post-Constitutional America?

That title should send a shiver or two down your spine, but this is a good time in American history to consider if some portions of the United States Constitution are being completely ignored. Do some Americans – do you – think parts of the Constitution does not reflect what America wants anymore?

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Feinstein, $25 billion, and her husband’s company

In today’s “can we make the problem any more obvious” file, we have Sen. Diane Feinstein introducing legislation to send $25 billion in tax dollars to the Federal Deposit Insurance Agency (FDIC) who days before provided her husband’s company a lucrative contract to sell foreclosed properties. The Washington Times thought this was a pretty interesting…

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Williams helps us understand the Constitution

Always a good read, Walter Williams’ column this week is right on message for our audience. This week he reminds readers that Congress – primarily the people’s house – runs the government including generating tax revenue and determining spending allocations. As the media and many politicians completely ignore the founding documents, over time they become…

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Hey McDermott – Congress does not have authority to fill gas tanks

Sticking with the you-need-government-to-take-care-of-you theme, Representative Jim McDermott, a congressman from Washington state, has brought fourth legislation to help the hard working people around the United States that are having a tough time paying for gasoline. That’s right, he wants the federal government to help fill gas tanks. What a tool. Congressman, do you have…

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