Posts Tagged ‘unions’
New York State has 200,000 government employees
I was just reading this post over at WINS 1010 concerning Gov. David Paterson’s (D-N.Y.) problem with the unions after his plans might result in – God forbid – state employee layoffs. I noted the state employs 200,000 workers. Guess how many Ford Motor Company has?
Read MoreYet another proposed union pension bailout
If you were upset with the government’s bailout (with your tax dollars) of the UAW in the GM and Chrysler bankruptcies, you may not want to read what follows. GM and Chrysler will be a “drop in the bucket” compared to what Senator Bob Casey (D. Pa.) is now proposing.
Read MoreUnions slated for another free pass
Does anyone remember the president’s State of the Union Address this past January…the one where he blasted the Supreme Court’s decision in the Citizens United case? In case you’ve forgotten, you can review it here. Basically, the Supreme Court held that the government couldn’t place restraints on the rights of people to express their opinion…
Read MoreWhere is the money? … Give up the bucks! Where is the cash? We need it fast!
Last week, I wrote about the astroturfed protest by thousands of union employees at the Illinois capital. They were demanding a tax increase – for the children of course – that would amount to a 33 percent increase in the state income tax. This short video sums up what they want.
Read MoreThousands of government union employees demand tax increases
This my friends, is astroturfing. Just look at all the coordinated signs and T-shirts. Busloads of government union employees gathered in the Illinois state capital to demand lawmakers increase the income tax by 33 percent.
Read MoreCrazy health care protestors march on Hartford with pitchforks and torches
Nope … not tea party folks … it’s organized labor. Hmmmmm, who are the wild eyed extremist mobs? From Connecticut News Junkie: Carrying pitchforks and torches a group of labor unions and health care groups marched down Church Street in Hartford Tuesday night to let the state’s largest business lobby know that they want health…
Read MoreConnecticut state unions to American taxpayers: More money please
File this under the heading “Big Cashews”. The state unions joined with their favorite liberal Democrat (I know, redundant these days) … not just asking Connecticut taxpayers but taxpayers nationwide, to cough up more cash for state workers … all in the name of economic stimulus. They even released a report with a title that…
Read MoreCoakley union thug: Get out of here you Nazis!
Priceless. I was not going to post again until after the result are in, but this video courtesy Real Clear Politics is awesome. This is what the Democrat party is all about now. Out of state union thugs telling people to “get the f%$# outta here.”
Read MoreUnions throw grandma under the bus
It’s a bit difficult to deconstruct health care legislation when the “most open, honest and ethical Congress” (per Nancy Pelosi (D. Ca.) in 2007) is negotiating that legislation behind closed doors, but, every now and then something slips out to the public. Last Thursday, we learned of yet another “deal” that has been struck, this…
Read MoreUnions agree to tax on Cadillac health plans – but not really (Update)
When I read the headline of the Washington Times piece, I was surprised, but certain I must be missing something. I read the full article and the truth comes out within one paragraph in the middle of the story.
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