Posts Tagged ‘symptom of the disease’
IRS managers and employees living large at government conferences
Public service once meant something quite a bit different than it does today. Sure, the benefits have been very good to great for government employees for decades, but the reports we hear from agencies like the GSA and IRS sound like parties from the Internet tech boom of the 1990s.
Read MoreIRS not answering Senate Finance Committee questions
The IRS thinks it’s OK to ask conservative and libertarian groups hundreds of questions, yet they ignore Senate Finance Committee questions posed concerning how the department put into place policies targeting groups including local TEA Party organizations.
Read MoreSymptom of the Disease: Duke Energy writes off $6 million loan guarantee to DNC
President Obama’s political party – the Democrat National Committee – will not repay millions Duke Energy provided to help pay for the September, 2012 Democratic convention in Charlotte, N.C.
Read MoreTold You So: Congress considering changing rules for upcoming sequester
On Feb. 20, I told you Congress would probably just change the rules when it comes to the upcoming sequester just like they did with the infamous fiscal cliff. Right on cue, Senate Republicans are suggesting the rules be changed.
Read MoreFree government cell phone redistribution subsidy filled with fraud?
Say it isn’t so. I laugh when people refer to the federal government’s cell phone as an Obamaphone. Certainly, the use of the program has exploded in the last few years, but it was started with landlines in 1984 and expanded to cell phones in 2005. This is part of the expansion of government “services”…
Read MoreSymptom of the Disease: Candidates for president spent $7 billion on 2012 election
As I have said before, this is now a full-blown, full time industrial complex that puts big dollar salaries into the hands of many people and is a huge financial boost for media and television.
Read MoreLike I’ve been saying… Federal grants represent one-third of state revenue
This is the disease. As you head for the polls this morning, I want you to think about the state of our union. Over the past five-plus decades we have allowed our freedom and liberty to be taken away from us in favor of central planning. For some reason, state after state, and voter after…
Read MoreSymptoms of the Disease: LEO salaries and mini-golf direction from federal government
I really should get back to my Symptom of the Disease series. If Jim and I were to write a book, we’ve discussed this as a topic. Kind of a mesh between Mark Levin’s Liberty & Tyranny and Michelle Malkin’s Culture of Corruption. One leads to the other. Anyway…
Read MoreOver-regulated: Feds demand public pools have ramps and wheelchair lifts
Why, just tell me why, the federal government feels the need to inject themselves into this issue? Can’t the public pool management just have a simple conversation with the people or families who need access to the pool and work it out?
Read MoreSymptom of the Disease: $300 million in earmarks benefit political elite
Wynton Hall over at Big Government points to a Washington Post article posted online yesterday detailing earmark projects that benefited property and business owners who happened to be congress-critters who either sponsored or voted for the earmark.
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