An appeal to Obama supporters

Now that we are at the eve of the presidential election, the magnitude of this moment looms large over us all. As a conservative I have watched in awe and horror at the scope of the liberal propaganda machine in this country. Obama’s $618 million fund raising, shadowy support from wealthy liberal donors, true-believers in…

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The weed of socialism…

…bears bitter fruit.  From the UK TIMES, by Iain Martin: They don’t know what they’re doing, do they? With every step taken by the Government as it tries frantically to prop up the British banking system, this central truth becomes ever more obvious. The country stands on the precipice. We are at risk of utter…

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The growing government hand – looking back

M. Jay Wells at American Thinker has put together a time line wrapping together – year by year – how the mortgage crisis happened. It’s a long post, but worth your time this Sunday morning. The piece outlines choices made by our elected leaders – and influence by organizations like ACORN – going back to…

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An appeal to Obama supporters

Now that we are at the eve of the presidential election, the magnitude of this moment looms large over us all. As a conservative I have watched in awe and horror at the scope of the liberal propaganda machine in this country. Obama’s $618 million fund raising, shadowy support from wealthy liberal donors, true-believers in…

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If you can’t argue the facts – attack the messenger

About this Joe the Plumber stuff. Obama wants Joe to buy the business and be successful, then he wants to tax Joe some more money because he’s been successful to spread the wealth around. Joe thinks this sounds pretty much like socialism. From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. That’s…

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