Posts Tagged ‘schumer’
You are the real tax target
While the President is campaigning on “tax the rich” you need to understand that it is you, not the rich, that are the ultimate focus of the Democrat’s plan.
Read MoreAll the President’s taxes
While we are still learning the complete details of the President’s new tax proposals, allegedly to be used to reduce the debt and deficit, some in the Senate have already offered their thoughts.
Read MoreAre corporate taxes too high?
A very unlikely Democrat believes they are. But, as with most things in politics, you need to dig a bit further to find the hidden agenda.
Read MoreDemocrats demagogue the budget: just say anything
I still am not sure if I should laugh or cry. In case you haven’t noticed this nation has a serious budget problems. $14 trillion and counting in debt. Deficits that topped $1 trillion on a regular basis. Social Security already dipping into the “trust fund”. Medicare going bust. And yet despite this the Republicans…
Read MoreUnions slated for another free pass
Does anyone remember the president’s State of the Union Address this past January…the one where he blasted the Supreme Court’s decision in the Citizens United case? In case you’ve forgotten, you can review it here. Basically, the Supreme Court held that the government couldn’t place restraints on the rights of people to express their opinion…
Read MoreGovernment computers used to research Joe the plumber
Checking my RSS feed this morning I find this post from Little Green Footballs. This seems like standard operating procedure in many political campaigns these days. Remember when two members of Sen. Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) staff got Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele’s credit report illegally in the summer of 2005? Now we’ve got reports of…
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