OWS Losing Liberal San Francisco?

So goes Frisco, so goes the nation? As Occupy gets under way after several months of hiatus, the public is finding even less to like about the group. A poll commissioned by CBS San Francisco found support for the group dwindling, and more than 2/3 of those polled felt the police response was either appropriate…

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Terrorism thwarted in Ohio

Today, a plot to collapse bridges in Cleveland was thwarted by the FBI. Five people described as anarchists were arrested Monday in a Cleveland-area park for allegedly trying to blow up a bridge, sources tell Fox News. The public was never in danger from the explosive devices, which were inoperable and controlled by an undercover…

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The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street

About 10 months ago, Illinois passed what some believe to be the largest tax increase in the state’s history.  This was on top of a tax rate in Illinois that already was one of the highest in the country.  I don’t know whether Governor Pat Quinn (D.) followed this up by proudly announcing that Ilinois was open for business,…

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Peter Schiff at Occupy Wall Street

It’s kind of fun to watch some of the responses from the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) crowd as a good number of them seem to be off the wall, but to be fair, there are many protestors who have serious questions. Peter Schiff thinks the movement is getting a bad rap, and attempts to redirect…

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Someone else really needed that $5,500 Mac – OWS theives

A $5,500 Mac? I’m assuming 18 year old Nan Terrie owned a MacBook Pro loaded with software which she values at $5,500, and it totally sucks that someone stole it, but isn’t that the entire premise of this movement? Some people (the have-nots) are being left behind and they are getting screwed by the rich (the…

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