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Obamacare…more unintended consequences

By SoundOffSister / May 23, 2010 /

We’ve already explained Obama’s promise that “you can keep your private health insurance if you like it” is pure rubbish.  But, you say, what if I have insurance provided by my employer?  Surely, I can keep that, can’t I?  For most Americans the answer will be a resounding no.  And here’s why. Obamacare requires that all employers with 50…

Obamacare: the news from Massachusetts just keeps getting worse

By SoundOffSister / April 9, 2010 /

Now that Obamacare has passed, according to Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D. Ca.), we can see what’s in it. But, rather than try to read all 2700 or so pages of the bill, let’s look at Obamacare in action. I did a post a few weeks ago about the circumstances facing the largest insurance…

Henry Waxman and fellow Democrats are shocked!

By SoundOffSister / March 28, 2010 /

Henry Waxman (D. Ca.) and other House Democrats intend to haul the CEO’s of several major companies before Congress on April 21 , and demand explanations about recent disclosures by those corporations concerning the true costs of Obamacare.  Actually, the true cost of Obamacare to these corporations is sizable, but that apparently was supposed to be kept a secret.…

Obamacare: more bad news from Massachusetts

By SoundOffSister / March 17, 2010 /

As you no doubt know by now, Obamacare is designed to bring to the entire country what Romneycare brought to Massachusetts.  We are told that under Obamacare, as was told by Romney to the residents of Massachusetts, uninsureds will now have insurance coverage and it won’t cost the taxpayers anything, your health costs will go…